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PSYC 3002 Week 4 Test – Question and Answers

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PSYC 3002 Week 4 Test – Question and Answers
  1. When using a p value to determine statistical significance for a one-sample t-test
  2. When plotting correlational data, the appropriate graph to use is the
  3. The t distribution that you use to find your critical values closely resembles the normal distribution when the:
  4. A marriage therapist conducts a study and finds a positive linear relationship between the happiness levels of wives and the happiness levels of husbands. This tells the therapist that
  5. If a researcher use a one-tailed test to test the significance of a correlation, he could be hypothesizing
  6. The first 10 students who arrive for the Friday lecture fill out a questionnaire on their attitudes toward the instructor. The first 10 who were late for the lecture were spot and afterward filled out the same questionnaire. The appropriate design for testing the significance of the difference between the means is
  7. Researchers want to see if people taking a new medication for Type II diabetes have lower blood sugar than the population of people with Type II diabetes. The researchers should use a
  8. What does a correlation coefficient do?
  9. Suppose you tested two age groups on the number of details they could recall from a paragraph. The mean for the older group is 16, and the mean for the younger group is 14. Furthermore, suppose you fail to reject the null hypothesis for this test. What best accounts for the difference between these sample means?
  10. One-tailed tests are use when we predict the ___________ of the relationship.
  11. Suppose you are use regression to predict how a person’s blood alcohol level is impact by the number of drinks they consume. The predictor is the ___________ and the criterion is the ____________.
  12. Suppose you find a -.65 correlation coefficient among sleepiness and happiness, and you compute the proportion of variance accounted for. This tells you that __________ of the variance in happiness is accounted for by sleepiness
  13. Suppose a poll has been conduct on Americans’ favorable attitudes towards a certain If it is report that Americans are 56% plus or minus 4% in favor of the issue, which of the follow is not a possible value represent within the margin of error?
  14. A one-sample t-test compares a __________ to a(n) _______________.
  15. If a researcher reports a one-sample t-test with df = 24, how many individuals participated in this study?
  16. If we obtain statistically significant results in our analysis, to determine the extent to which the conditions of the independent variable determine dependent scores, we should compute ______________ next.
  17. Which correlation coefficient presents the stronger relationship among two variables, r = +0.62 or r = –0.62?
  18. A U-shaped pattern is an example of a (PSYC 3002 Week 4 Test)
  19. Suppose the average read speed of 15 randomly select elementary school students is 25, and the average read speed of 15 randomly selected middle school students is 31. You compute an independent-samples t-test, and your obtained t value is 5.72, which is statistically significant. What is the most appropriate conclusion?
  20. What are the consequences of having a restricted ranges

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