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HLTH 1005 Week 2 Quiz with Answers

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HLTH 1005 Week 2 Quiz with Answers
  1. When a professional’s services are generally accepted and are legitimized, they impart _____ to the profession.
  2. All of the following are elements of the policy cycle, except:
  3. Hospitals in the United States evolved from:
  4. Health policies are used in what capacity?
  5. In the pre-industrial era, much of the medical care in the United States was provided by non-physicians.
  6. The Donabedian model includes all of the following elements except:
  7. All states are required to have the same set of eligibility requirements for Medicaid.
  8. Healthcare in the United States can best be described as:
  9. All of the following were identified by the Institute of Medicine (Crossing the Quality Chasm, 2001) as areas for quality improvement, except:
  10. When hospitals first emerged in the United States, they were used primarily by the wealthy.
  11. During the first decade of the 21st century, the U.S. healthcare delivery system began to shift its emphasis from illness to wellness.
  12. What is an interest group?
  13. In the United States, the primary type of collaboration between public health and the private practice of medicine is the requirement that private practitioners report cases of contagious diseases.
  14. How has Medicaid created a two-tier system of medical care delivery in the United States?
  15. A service is cost-efficient when:
  16. Prevention and lifestyle behavior changes to promote health are not major foci of the medical model.
  17. What is the role of states in U.S. health policy?
  18. Medical care in pre-industrial America had a strong _____ character.
  19. Compared to other nations, the United States uses a larger share of its economic resources for healthcare.
  20. Healthcare costs for the elderly are nearly three times more than those for the non-elderly.


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