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JUS 505 Week 7 Discussion 2
 Describe the War on Drugs. How, if at all, is continuing the War on Drugs a benefit to America? Support your claims. What would be the impact to the United States if illegal drugs were legalized? Support your answer with specific examples.

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                     What would be the impact to the United States if illegal drugs were legalized? 
This question has a very open dynamic , since it identifies all drugs in the United States of America . There may be contrasting implications for a multitude of different kinds of drugs as a result of legalisation . Ever since Nixon declared the ‘ War on Drugs ‘ in 1971 , costs to the US economy have exceeded $ 1 trillion , a clear sign that we need to abandon current policies of prohibition . Currently , we can look to Amsterdam ‘s model of legalising the production , consumption and sale of cannabis in ‘ coffee shops ‘ , which is truly unique . This provides a useful framework when assessing the likely consequences of legalisation in the USA , albeit a different economy . Dutch drug policy is of a libertarian persuasion , and views drug use as a public health matter , similar to obesity . This has been inspired by the abysmal failure of the prohibition of alcohol US from 1919 – 1933 . Statistical data finds that for young people with a median age of 28 , only 16 % have reported the consumption of cannabis 1 , so legalisation has not caused visibly excessive consumption levels . Many people are tentative with regards to legalising harder drugs such as cocaine , but in my view , there is no need to have apprehensions . Through legalisation , all the perverse effects of prohibition can be avoided , whilst the model promises substantial benefits in its own right , which outweigh potential drawbacks . Legalisation would relax limits on supply caused by prohibition , so prices in legal drug markets will fall . Although this would cause a substantial increase in the ‘ casual ‘ consumption of drugs , there will be a significant reduction in externalities associated with illicit markets . The disincentive effect of ‘ high – profit ‘ criminal activity on schooling and labour force participation would be eradicated , whilst criminalisation of those who purchase drugs will fall to zero . Thus , negative external costs per unit of drug will plummet post legalisation . Furthermore , commercialised drug markets will be far sa


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