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JUS 325 Module 1 Benchmark Assignment, Marbury v. Madison

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JUS 325 Module 1 Benchmark Assignment, Marbury v. Madison
In an essay of 750-1,000 words, address the following:

  1. What is the historical backdrop of Marbury v. Madison?
  2. What was Justice Marshall’s rationale in reaching his final ruling in the case?
  3. What is the significance of Marbury v. Madison?
  4. Is the decision of Marbury v. Madison in keeping with the intent of the Constitution for the role of the Judiciary? (Comp. 1.2)

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  1. What is the historical backdrop of Marbury v. Madison?
The Marbury vs Madison case was a supreme court case that initiated how American courts has the capability to afflict some laws and actions within the government that are found to defy the constitution of the United States.

The background of Marbury vs Madison case was as a result of presidential elections in the United States in the year 1800. The then president of United States was John Adams. After the presidential elections, Thomas Jefferson undoubtedly won both the popular votes and the electoral collage votes against John Adams. Before John Adams term ended, he recruited anti-Jefferson federalists to fill the government offices with William Marbury being one of them. The commissions of the newly appointed federalists was supposed to be delivered to the appointees, but Marbury’s commission was not delivered among other commissions. On the other side, after Jefferson was sworn in as the newly elected president of the United States, he directed his secretary, James Madison to hold back the undelivered appointments of the commissions. The withholding of the appointments by Madison encouraged Marbury to file a case in the supreme court against him hence the result of, Marbury vs Madison case.

The main participants of the Marbury vs Madison case were William Marbury and James Madison. William Marbury was an appointee of the previous president of the United States, John Adams while James Madison was secretary to the newly elected president of the United States, Thomas Jefferson.

The main historical importance of the Marbury vs Madison case was that the case initiated the capability of the the Supreme Court and other courts in the United States the power to inflict some laws that defy the existing constitution. The case also led the government to respect courts within the country.


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