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JUS 506 Topic 8 Assignment 1, The Legalization of Recreational Marijuana

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JUS 506 Topic 8 Assignment 1, The Legalization of Recreational Marijuana
Do some research on the problems associated with marijuana use, particularly in states where recreational marijuana is now legal. Recent studies have identified 1) a decrease in belief that marijuana is harmful, and 2) a significant increase in marijuana use specifically among children in 8th-10th grades. What are the implications of this research for other states proposing legislation that would legalize recreational marijuana?

Do you believe marijuana should be legalized? Why or why not?

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A recent report found that the presentation of therapeutic cannabis laws caused a diminished in savage wrongdoing in Americans expresses that fringe Mexico: “The lessening in wrongdoing is most grounded for regions near the

Outskirt, and for violations that identify with sedate trafficking. Furthermore, we find that MMLs in inland states prompt a decrease in wrongdoing in the closest outskirt state. Our outcomes are steady with the hypothesis that decriminalization of the generation and dispersion of Maryjane prompts a diminished in vicious wrongdoing in business sectors that are customarily controlled by Mexican medication trafficking organizations.

In Colorado, impacts since 2014 incorporate expanded state revenues, vicious wrongdoing decreased, an expansion in destitute population, one Colorado doctor’s facility has gotten a 15% expansion in babies conceived with THC in their blood.

Near 2011 and 2014, there was a 6.5% expansion in the number of inhabitants in Colorado. Much credit this expansion to the sanctioning of marijuana .The advancement of new homes has not possessed the capacity to stay aware of the flood of people. This has brought about taking off lease expenses and home values. Between the increasing average cost for basic items, dormant wages, and a to a great degree aggressive employment showcase, Colorado is seeing an exceptional increment in the destitute population.

Impacts have incorporated an expansion in cannabis-related calls to the Oregon state harm center, an increment in observation among youth that Marijuana utilize is harmful, a diminishing in capture rates for cannabis related offenses, stores sold $250 million in cannabis items which brought about $70 million in state assess income

Impacts of Cannabis authorization in Uruguay since 2013 incorporate different nations in the locale relaxing laws concerning cannabis and lower expenses of illicit cannabis the level of female detainees has fallen.


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