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What are some examples of environmental sources of the exposure of populations to toxic heavy metals? What factors can exacerbate the effects of toxic exposures on populations with low socioeconomic status?


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What are some examples of environmental sources of the exposure of populations to toxic heavy metals?

The occurrences of pollution in the mining areas of these metals are the major affected areas in the envroment . Envromental contamination occurs due to metal corrosion , leaching of heavy metals and atmospheric disposition . Even through occurrence of metals s due to earth´s crust but the environmental contamination and its effects on human body are from anthropogenic activities .
What factors can exacerbate the effects of toxic exposures on populations with low socioeconomic status?

Factors that exacerbate with low socioeconomic status are : air quality , housing and residential location , unintentional injuries in children , low education households , unemployed persons , work – related health risks , waste management and climate change . L ower income levels are also more likely to be exposed to pollutants like hazardous waste sites , sewage treatment plants , littering , traffic , pollution from occupational exposures . 


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