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Under what circumstances should a judge participate in plea negotiations? Would you want a judge who was a notorious hardliner in terms of sentencing on drug cases to participate in negotiations if you were the defendant in the above case? Remember that negotiations can fail; how might a failure in negotiation affect the outcome?

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1)A court can participate in a plea bargain in the following circumstances: -if the perpetrators may not receive justice -if the defendant and the prosecution are unable to reach an agreement

I wouldn’t want a judge who was known for being a zealot when it came to drug sentencing to be involved in plea discussions. During the plea bargaining process, the judge has the authority to recommend unreasonable conditions.

Failure to reach an agreement can have a negative impact on the outcome by: -delaying the trial -exposing the offender to more severe punishment

Plea bargain is an agreement in which the defendant pleads guilty to the accusations in exchange for specific concessions and consent from the prosecutor.

The defendant and the prosecutor are primarily involved in the plea agreement. If the offender or defendant believes he or she will not be treated fairly, the court may intervene to ensure fairness and justice.

-if the defendant and prosecutor are unable to come to an agreement-if the defendant and prosecutor are unable to come to an agreement, the court can assist in the negotiation and agreement process.

The defendant may have information about the judge who will likely be involved in the plea bargaining process. Judges who are fair and just are preferred by the defendants. In that instance, it would be unwise to have a judge involved in plea discussions who was a noted hardliner when it came to drug sentencing. This is because, during the plea bargaining process, the judge may recommend unreasonable terms.

Failure in talks can have a negative impact on the outcome via;

-it may cause the trial to be postponed-if the plea discussions fail, the trial will be postponed since the defendant and prosecution will need more time to reach an agreement.
-If there is a total failure in discussions, the defendant will be exposed to the standard trial process without any concessions from the prosecutor.
The court would then impose a more harsher punishment.

The circumstances under which a judge can participate in plea bargain;

-if the offenders may not getting justice-plea bargain is an arrangement whereby the defendant pleads guilty of the charges based on certain concessions and agreement from the prosecutor.The plea bargain largely involves the defendant and the prosecutor. However, if the offender or defendant feels that he or she may not get justice, the judge may intervene to ensure fairness and justice.

-if the defendant and the prosecutor cannot reach an agreement-if the defendant and the prosecutor cannot reach an agreement, the judge can participate to facilitate negotiations and agreement process.

Sometimes, the defendant can have some information on the judge who is likely to participate in the plea bargain process. The defendants would prefer judges who are fair and just. In that case, one would not want a judge who was a notorious hardliner in terms of sentencing on drug cases to participate in plea negotiations. This is because the judge can recommend unfair terms during plea bargain process.

A failure in negotiations can affect the outcome by;

-it may delay the trial proceedings-if there is a failure in the plea negotiations, the trial proceedings will be delayed as the defendant and the prosecutor would require more time to reach an agreement.

-the defendant will be subjected to more severe punishment-if there is a total failure in negotiations, the defendant would be subjected to normal trial process without any concessions from the prosecutor. This would result in a more severe punishment from the court.


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