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Research information on the internet

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Research information on the internet
Research information on the internet related to prevention, current treatment and rehabilitation for patients with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), Stroke, or Spinal Cord Injury (SCI).  Share the website and information with your classmates

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Traumatic brain injury is a sudden trauma causes damage to the brain . TBI may happen when there is a blow , bump , or jolt to the head . Also , it can happen when a foreign object enters the skull , this known as penetrating injury ( Medicine Plus 2018 ) . ” According to the CDC , the leading cause of TBI is falls , particularly for young children and adults over 65 . Other common causes of TBI include accidental blunt force trauma , motor vehicle accidents , and violent assaults . ” ( John Hopkins Medicine ) Besides buckling up for every ride , wear a seat belt , not driving while under the influence , wear a helmet for motor cyclists , skaters , horse riders , etc . I believe that TBI can be inevitable since it happens mostly via accident therefore it can happen to anyone . The symptoms of TBI can be mild , moderate to severe , they could be manifested such as :  Headache  Nausea or vomiting  Fatigue  Dizziness  Slurred speech  Blurry vision  Ringing in the ear  Mood swing  Difficulty sleeping  Feeling depressed  Concentration problem  Coma  Seizure In children , TBI symptoms may include  Easy irritability / sadness  Crying  Seizure  Drowsiness  Loss of interest in favorite activities  Change in sleep habits The treatments may vary based on the severity of the symptoms . Mild and moderate TBI injury usually requires no to minimal treatment . But bed rest is required , and the person may have to be monitored closely . For severe TBI injury , people may need hospital care and intensive care treatment . Moreover , counseling , surgery , and rehabilitation may be needed to treat TBI . Surgery may reduce damage to brain tissues like removing clotting blood , repairing skull fracture , stop bleeding in the brain Most people who have had a significant brain injury will require rehabilitation . They may need to relearn basic skills , such as walking or talking . The goal is to improve their abilities to perform daily activities . The rehabilitation may include : physiatry visits , occupational therapy , physical . Therapy , recreational therapy , vocational therapy , etc .


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