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HLT 317V Week 5 Discussion 1
Reimbursement in the future is projected to be based on customer satisfaction and positive outcome. Do you agree or disagree with this prediction?

Cite at least two references to support your rationale, using APA documentation.


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That remuneration will soon be based on patient happiness and great results is something I wholeheartedly agree with. As a result of the adoption of new government-sponsored health insurance, payers must transition to a business to consumer model that focuses on serving the individual customer, in this instance the patient. 

Through compete effectively, Fera (2016) says that payers must offer a cohesive experience from registration to service delivery that encourages user involvement and enhances the quality of customer care. New practices that enhance health care delivery will be evaluated and implemented as a result of the principle of withholding payment for unfavorable results and providing full compensation for successful ones.

A study by Short, Rea, Houston, Scott, and Forducey (2016) found that speech telepractice should be reimbursed differently because of the beneficial effects observed. Because it was not deemed a recognized method of administering treatment, speech telepractice was traditionally not reimbursed. The study’s final findings indicated that the youngsters made considerable development despite spending less time in treatment on average each week. As the business landscape continues to evolve, more and more businesses will need to establish and execute rigorous, evidence-based policies and operating procedures that have been shown to produce good outcomes.


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