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BUS 642 Week 2 Discussion 1, Ethics in Business Research

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BUS 642 Week 2 Discussion 1, Ethics in Business Research
Read the interview with Elizabeth Buchanan on virtual research ethics [Readings in virtual research: Issues and controversies. (2004, January-June). Information Technology Newsletter, 15(1), 22-25.]. You can find this article through the Ashford Online Library. Write a summary of this interview and add your thoughts on how this affects the business research process. Respond to at least two of your fellow students’ postings.

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 As technology has advanced , many researchers have started conducting more research online . While virtual research opens up new possibilities , it also brings concerns over maintaining ethical practices and privacy . Elizabeth Buchanan discussed many different aspects to virtual research in interview about her book Readings in Virtual Research Ethics : Issues and Controversies . Buchanan emphasizes that even when research is conducted virtually , the same ethical principles must be practiced as in face – to – face settings ( ” Readings in virtual research ethics ” , 2004 ) . People continue to have rights even when participating in research online , which includes rights to privacy . People expect that their information is going to remain private when they participate in research ; however ensuring privacy online can present challenges . Buchanan discusses how researchers must take every precaution and make sure that participants know about the risks involved in participating in online research , which includes the possibility of hackers ( ” Readings in virtual research ethics ” , 2004 ) . Virtual research also opens up ethical issues such as deception . Since subjects typically do not meet the researchers , it becomes possible for researchers to create entirely new personas to better their research ( ” Readings in virtual research ethics ” , 2004 ) . While researchers could be deceptive , it is also possible that participants could be deceptive . In addition to deception there are ethical concerns over minors participating in research studies online . Whenever minors are involved in research there are additional ethical concerns such as ensuring parental or guardian consent , what to do if a minor discloses concerning information , etc . ( ” Readings in virtual research ethics ” , 2004 ) . I have participated in many virtual research studies including surveys , forums , product testing , and ongoing studies regarding consumer habits . The level of information collected about me was dependent upon the type of st


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