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HSM 435 Week 3 Discussion 2, Hurricane Andrew

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HSM 435 Week 3 Discussion 2, Hurricane Andrew
Read “Hurricane Andrew’s other Legacy.” Describe at least two psychological symptoms Hurricane Andrew victims experienced. Do you think the recommendations noted in the article were helpful and appropriate? Why?

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At that time Hurricane Andrew was the most devasting hurricane to hit the U.S. It was a very a traumatizing event that change the lives of everyone that was directly involved . Over 60 people died and caused over $ 27 billion dollars in damages . Those people experience a lot of anger and sleeplessness . Angry because of what unfolded before their eyes . Looking their homes , cars , irreplaceable items , and for some , loved one . Angry and feeling hopeless because of the people they wanted to help during and after the storm but could n’t . The feeling of powerlessness . In my opinion , it was one of the main symptoms that manifested . The sleeplessness sure followed right after that . With the mind running in circle trying to process everything . Sleep was nonexistent . Constantly worrying how you were going to pick up the pieces and move on . Asking God , ” Why did this have to happen to us ? ” Men , women , and children suffering from nightmare from what just happen . Not to mention some of them had loved one or saw someone lose their life or saw body parts either flying around or lying around . It ‘s a very intense situation just thinking about it . ” There was a lot of anxiety , restlessness , and an increase in anger and irritability – all of which is a perfectly normal response to a disaster of this magnitude . Many of the children are suffering night terrors ” ( Mauro , 1992 ) . I agree with the recommendation in this article . Education is the key . Before , during , and after a natural event occurs . Knowing what to do help to prepare you for the something will help a great deal . Note , there will always be a lot of unforeseen things and we can only do what you can . The healing process is the biggest thing . It could take months , even year years to recover mentally . Even though some will never recover from what they ‘ve seen and been through . ” Recovery is generally under way by three to six months following a disaster , yet can take up to 18 months for those more seriously impacted . It is generally believed that fewer than 10 percent of victims will develop a major mental disorder as a function of their experience . ” ( Mauro , 1992 ) .


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