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PSY355 Week 2 Assignment, Prenatal Development Worksheet

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PSY355 Week 2 Assignment, Prenatal Development Worksheet
Provide a 25- to 50- word summary of development during each of the prenatal stages listed below.
1 Month: During this time period, the growth is very rapid and is a critical time in the baby’sdevelopment (Martorell, Papalia, & Feldman, 2014). The baby at the end of this period will beabout a half of an inch, have blood flowing, and a beating heart while the brain, kidneys, liver, and digestive tract are developing (Martorell et al., 2014).
7 Weeks: The fetus is less than one inch long and weighs about less than one ounce (Martorellet al., 2014). The fetus’s head becomes bigger than its body, and begins to develop hands,fingers, knees, and ankles (Martorell et al., 2014). The stomach begins producing digestivejuices, blood cells, and sex organs (Martorell et al., 2014).
3 Months: The fetus is about one-third of its full size, starts to weigh one ounce and, the sex ofthe child is easily identifiable (Martorell et al., 2014). Reflexes are starting to develop wheninteraction is initiated and the fetus has now developed fingernails, toenails, eyelids, and lips(Martorell et al., 2014).
4 Months: By the four month mark the body begins catching up with the head, becomes aboutthe same proportion it will be at birth and grows between eight to ten inches and six ounces(Martorell et al., 2014). The placenta is fully developed, and reflexes become more prominent(Martorell et al., 2014).


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