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BUS642 Week 5 Discussion 1, Data Preparation and Description

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BUS642 Week 5 Discussion 1, Data Preparation and Description
Poll a small sample of class members, work associates, or friends and ask them to answer the following in a paragraph or two: “What are your career aspirations for the next five years?” Use one of the four basic units of content analysis to analyze their responses. Describe your findings as frequencies for the unit of analysis selected.

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Content analysis has been described as a ” research technique for the objective , systematic , and quantitative description of the manifest content of a communication . ” This definition is sometimes confused with simply counting obvious message aspects such as words or attributes , more recent interpretations have broadened the definition to include concealed as well as manifest content , the symbolic meaning of the messages , and qualitative analysis . The four basic units of content analysis are : Syntactical units ; Referential units ; Propositional units , and Thematic units . As I surveyed the following five individuals in regards to their career aspirations for the next five years I came to the conclusion that the unit of content analysis which applies to this group of participants is the syntactical unit . I believe this unit applies to the participants because of the underline meaning revealed through their words , and the commonality among them all is to advance in both their career and educational status . Individual 1 – States that she is not looking or planning for the next five year but is taking it day by day or month to month . Right now her plan is to maintain a job in the medical field and eventually further her education . She is comfortable with her current position but would n’t mind a similar position with increased pay . Individual 2 – States her goal is to work in a place where she can bring the different careers she has worked together . She wants to work in an industry that is forward – focused and either manufactures or engineers alternative energy solutions . Her goal also includes completing the MBA program she ‘s currently in . Individual 3 – Believes that an MBA concentrated on Project and Supply Chain Management would make it all most impossible to overlook his abilities . Couple his education with his extensive work experience and leadership training via the Military and you have a recipe for an individual who is extremely confident that in the next five year he would be in a posi


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