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Please create an Infographic on an area of Psychopathology and Abnormal Psychology

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Please create an Infographic on an area of Psychopathology and Abnormal Psychology

Please create an Infographic on an area of Psychopathology and Abnormal Psychology

  1. Infographic aligns with your target audience.
    a. Please create an infographic for a specific target group (e.g., individuals who
    experience anxiety, individuals recovering from eating disorders, adults
    interested in CBT, etc.),
    b. You can put your target audience in the title (e.g., Relaxation strategies for
    individuals who experience anxiety) and you can explain it in the comments box
    upon submission. You content on your infographic should align with the target
  2. Infographic covers at least five different areas related to the chosen psychology topic.
    a. Cover five different areas, do not just have five facts under an area, instead
    please thoroughly cover different facets of the topic
  3. One of the covered areas includes multiple types of contact information (websites,
    phone numbers, etc.) for individuals to contact to receive additional information and/or
    help on the topic.
    a. There are many specialized resources that can be included based on the topic
    chosen, other broad resources include NIH, NIMH, CDC, NAMI, AMA, APA, etc.
  4. Infographic headline catches the attention of the designated reader.
    a. Please make this is something that will catch the eye and get someone to want
    to read further
  5. Infographic has a balance of text and visual aids.
    a. Balance what the reader sees to help draw attention to different areas and facts
  6. Includes sources or references area on the infographic.
    a. Show your evidence-based work


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  • 275 words per page
  • 12pt Arial/Times New Roman
  • Double line spacing
  • Any citation style (APA, MLA, CHicago/Turabian, Havard)

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