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Investigative Journal
Start by reading and following these instructions:

Create your Assignment submission and be sure to cite your sources, use APA style as required, and check your spelling.


In entering Phase II of the Capstone Process, you have received approval for your project proposal and are ready to begin investigating the educational problem and topic that interests you. Congratulations! Assignment for Modules 4-5

You must submit your Investigative Journal each week for Modules 4 and 5 of this course.

Investigative Journal

Due Weekly for Modules 4-5

(50 points each)

You must submit your Investigative Journal each week for Modules 4 and 5 of this course. The journal should be 750-1000 words in length, with the title page not counting towards the minimum word amount. Your journal should follow the APA writing style. Clearly label the sections of your journal so that the instructor knows exactly what topics you are addressing in your discussion.

Investigative Journal

  1. Today’s date:
  2. Your name:
  3. What deliverable was accomplished? What did you discover in the process of interacting with the deliverable(s)?
  4. Describe your activities this week in relation to completing the pieces of your work plan for the capstone. Provide descriptions/updates for each daily task from your work plan and explain how you accomplished that task.
  5. What did you learn this week about your topic?
  6. What ideas do you have for addressing the Medical Management problem you want to solve?
  7. What new challenges have presented themselves? What is your plan for addressing those challenges?
  8. Are you on target with the daily plan that you submitted in Week 3? If not, why not?
Please briefly outline your progress during the current week. Include a narrative summary on the status of your Capstone Project and what specific developments (activities, deliverables, etc.) have taken place this week. Also, indicate whether you are “on track” insofar as your original work plan and Schedule of Deliverables are concerned. If changes are necessary, please provide a brief revised work plan and Schedule of Deliverables and rationale for the changes.

*Hi, please keep in mind the topic of this capstone project is: CYBER SECURITY and how it can impact today’s healthcare system and the future, thank you*


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