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HUMAN COMMUNICATION Part Two-Speech Analysis

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HUMAN COMMUNICATION Part Two-Speech Analysis

Part Two-Speech Analysis


The format for your analysis is a brief, typed essay. Please use general MLA format. Ifyou are not familiar with this format, please see the guidelines and sample in the following link. Specifically, your paper should include a four-part heading, a title for your paper, double-spaced format, 12-pt font size, standard 1-inch margins, etc.

OWL Purdue/MLA General Paper Format –


For this paper, please note the following –

·Your paper should be 1 1/2 – 2 pages.Please do not exceed two pages.

·Your paper should include at least five brief paragraphs


oA paragraph for Question 1

oA paragraph for Question 2

oA paragraph for Question 3


oCheck your paper for correct grammar, sentence structure, punctuation, word usage/spelling, etc., before submission.Submit your paper as an attachment to in the assignment folder. Be sure to submit paper in .doc, .docx, or .pdf format (I am usually unable to read other formats). Your analysis should clearly and directly answer the three questions shown below. (plagiarism checker) will automatically check your paper for originality.


Dr. King’s remarks about his speech: “I started out reading the speech and I read it down to a point, and just all of a sudden I decided – the audience response was wonderful that day, you know – and all of a sudden this thing came to me that I have used. I’d used it many times before – that thing about ‘I have a dream’ – and I just felt that I wanted to use it here. I don’t know why. I hadn’t thought about it before the speech.”

Dr. Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech is a wonderful case for the importance of an extemporaneous speaking in public speaking, which is the preferred method of delivery for modern public speakers. To analyze this speech,

Go to and listen to OR watch Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech (, includes transcript). NOTE: You may listen to the mp3 audio of this speech at no charge, OR you may pay a small fee to watch this video (fee required due to copyright). Again, you may choose to listen to or watch this speech to complete this assignment.

To analyze this speech, pay close attention to its content, structure, and delivery.If you choose to watch the video version of the speech, pay close attention to Dr. King’s vocal delivery and physical delivery.If you choose to listen to the audio version of the speech, pay close attention to Dr. King’s vocal delivery.

After the speech, please answer the following three questions in your analysis:

1.Can you identify the moment Dr. King moves from a manuscript delivery to an extemporaneous delivery? Please explain.

2.Are you surprised to know that he did not plan to use the now famous “I Have a Dream” theme for this speech? Please explain.

3.Had Dr. King kept to his planned manuscript, as he did at the beginning of his speech, do you think it would have had the impact it has had in the U.S. and globally. Please explain.

Essay: How to Complete an Essay Assignment

This one-page essay assignment offers you a chance to make connections between your personal journey and the more specific journey we are taking together in this course.

Essay Instructions

·You should first follow the Essay Style Instructions found on each essay prompt. Different types of essays require different styles, so it is essential that you read the prompt carefully.

·Your essay should be one page long, double-spaced.

·Write your essay in Times New Roman, 12 points, withone inchmargins.

·Your name and the title of the essay should be at the top of the page, centered, in bold.

·Do not make your name and the title a larger type than the rest of the essay.

·Make sure to follow the instructions for the assignment, but in general you should follow MLA format throughout the essay.

·Save your essay in Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx) format or in PDF.

·When you are finished, submit your essay to the correct folder in “Assignments” under the assessment tab in the top navigation menu.


·Essays will be gradedusing a rubric involving 5 categories:substance, engagement, structure, support, and clarity.

·Essays should follow MLA format. If you are unfamiliar with MLA format, basic information about it can be found in thePurdue Online Writing Labopens in new window.

·Essays will be screened for academic integrity usingTurnItIn.


1 point


The essay was sufficiently long and addressed the topics required by the assignment


The essay fulfilled the specific writing instructions of the assignment


The essay had a clear and appropriate structure, including an introduction, main points, and a conclusion


The essay contained proper support for its claims, whether in the form of specific examples or other types of evidence (in accordance with the specific instructions for the assignment)


The writing in the essay was clear, relevant, and easy to understand.

MLA Format

One point will be deducted for failure to follow MLA style, except when superseded by specific assignment instructions.



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