Outline the three macro systems theories discussed in Chapter 12 of your textbook (functionalism, conflict theory, and interactionism). Describe how each of these perspectives would explain the macro system problem of crime and delinquency. Which approach do you support the most? Explain your reasoning.
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Functionalism has been criticized mostly for neglecting the functions of an event , like a divorce . They claim that perspective justifies the situation and compliancy on society members . Functionalism does not encourage people to take an active role in changing their social environment even if it is benefiting them . What it does do is see an active social change as undesirable only because society may naturally balance the problems that will come up . Conflict theory is an inequality existing because of the control of a uneven share of society ‘s resources actively defending their advantages . The general populace is not bound to society with values that they share but by being bribed by those in power . This is all about social control . Groups and individuals alike all struggle with their own interests and overcoming control from the powers above . This takes the minorities and preys upon them because they are a struggling part of society . An interactionists perspective develops at the individual level and of their everyday social interaction . They believe behavior has a product of an individual social relationship . They see people as the product of their cultural and social relationships that they have . I support the interactionist theory . They take the individual person and focus on their specific behavior that is unique to them , their culture , and their lifestyle .