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HTH 2303 Pathophysiology
HTH 2303 Pathophysiology

**Unit I Discussion

Part II: One day, it may well be that an analysis of your deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) will become part of your medical history. Insurance companies want to access that data to determine risk for certain illnesses. The companies already demand and have access to your medical history; is this much different? If a company will lower the premium if you submit your DNA, would you do it, or would you rather pay more premium? Why?

**Unit II Discussion

It has been said that migraine sufferers wish that a sign on their forehead would blink pain when they were hurting. Usually, we cannot see that someone else is hurting. In addition, there is no way to measure the amount of pain a person is suffering. If someone reports they are in pain, we must take their word for it.

What do you think about the use of narcotics in chronic pain? Most people would agree that someone in pain and dying of cancer should get all the narcotics they want. However, many times people are having chronic pain, and there is no demonstrable pathology. Should they also receive narcotics, in addition to other treatment modalities?

EMS 2301: Anatomy & Physiology I

**Unit I Discussion

Part II: After reading about the basics of anatomy and physiology, have you ever implemented these concepts within your everyday job functions and duties as a healthcare worker? How?

**Unit II Discussion Board Question

Top of Form

The Human Genome Project was launched in 1990 and completed in April 2003. The internationally supported project researched human DNA identification and mapping. The study was supported by six countries (the United States, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Japan, and China). How can mapping DNA be beneficial to your role as an emergency medical worker today?

HCA 3302 Critical Issues in Health Care

 **Unit I Discussion

Part II: In health care, there are many different ethical problems that arise on a daily basis. Of all the departments and positions, what do you believe is a top ethical issue that arises every day? Why do you feel this is such a big issue? Do you have any proposed solutions?

**Unit II Discussion

What ethical theories and principles apply in the decision to limit the use of reproductive technologies? Do you agree with these theories/principles in this case? Explain your thoughts.


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