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Is it ever acceptable to cheat? (In school? In life in general?) Yes or no?Under what circumstances? Why? Explain.

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Is it ever acceptable to cheat? (In school? In life in general?) Yes or no?Under what circumstances? Why? Explain.
Is it ever acceptable to cheat? (In school? In life in general?) Yes or no?Under what circumstances? Why? Explain.


English 1010

Essay 1: Exemplification 

  • This is the writing mode in which examples are used to clarify or support a point or assertion.
  • Good examples use concrete details to further explain the main idea of the essay.
  • Examples must be directly related to the thesis of an essay.
  • In addition, the paragraphs should flow from one to the next. You will order your essay from least to greatest. This means you save the “best for last” and use the last paragraph for your strongest or best example. 
  • The body paragraphs of an exemplification essay prove the thesis. This is a thesis driven essay where all examples point to or prove one main idea. 

Part 1: Essay Prompt 


  • Is it ever acceptable to cheat? (In school? In life in general?) Yes or no? Under what circumstances? Why? Explain. 

You will use three examples (one in each paragraph) to prove your point about whether it is either acceptable or unacceptable. Use your examples as the circumstances that illustrate your thesis statement. (Think about the consequences of cheating to help you get started with your thinking process.)

Part 2: Essay Structure

You will have a total of 5 paragraphs. 


(minimum of 8 sentences)

Begin by grabbing the reader’s attention and  introducing your topic in general; you will narrow the topic by the end of the paragraph into your thesis statement. 

You need a thesis statement that you will prove in the body of your essay. It needs a slant, an argument, a point, an aim, a direction. See the notes on thesis statements if you need further help. 

You have to take a stand on your topic in the form of one sentence, the thesis statement. Argue for or against. 

The thesis should be the last sentence of the first paragraph. 


Body Paragraph 1

(minimum of 8 sentences)

What is the first example  that supports your main idea (thesis)?

Create a topic sentence. The topic sentence expresses the main point or idea of a paragraph and shows the writer’s attitude or stance toward the subject. 

The body sentences provide details that support the main idea.  

The concluding sentence brings the paragraph to a close. 

Body Paragraph 2

(minimum of 8 sentences)

What is your second example that supports your main idea (thesis)?

Create a topic sentence. The topic sentence expresses the main point or idea of a paragraph and shows the writer’s attitude or stance toward the subject. 

The body sentences provide details that support the main idea.  

The concluding sentence brings the paragraph to a close. 

Body Paragraph 3

(minimum of 8 sentences)

What is your third example that supports your main idea (thesis)?

Create a topic sentence. The topic sentence expresses the main point or idea of a paragraph and shows the writer’s attitude or stance toward the subject. 

The body sentences provide details that support the main idea. 

The concluding sentence brings the paragraph to a close. 


(minimum of 8 sentences)

This is an upside down introduction. Restate your thesis; don’t re-write it, but re-state it. Sum up your main points. Leave the reader with something to think about and try to convince them as to why your thesis is valid.

Part 3: Additional Requirements

  • The essay needs to be 800-1,000 words (about 4 pages in length)
  • MLA heading
  • Double spaced  
  • Do not use second person (you) in essay writing
  • See all the grammar and writing notes I have given to help you be successful in this assignment
  • You need a title that reflects your topic
  • You need an MLA heading on the first page: (Example)

Alexa Jones

Mrs. Nesmith

English 1010

19 June 2022


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