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In a minimum of 250 to 300 words, describe at least two personnel safety issues faced by September 11th first responders (World Trade Center or Pentagon). Provide two suggestions for how government agencies (local, state, and or federal) could have coordinated. And communicated better to avoid these safety issues. Support your thoughts and ideas with appropriate resources.

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One of the personnel safety issues was Personnel Protective Equipment , i.e. respirators . How to wear the respirators was an issue as well as wear ability . Communicating as well as being able to see was a major hindrance and safety issue . The respirators used were not user friendly and because of these things Occupational Safety and Health Administration ( OSHA ) suspended enforcement of occupational safety and health regulations at the World Trade Center site … ( Torres , 2006 ) . ” ” A cross – sectional study of firefighters in New York City conducted by Feldman , et al in early October 2001 found that 19 % of participating firefighters did not use a respirator , and 50 % reported using a respirator only rarely ( 2004 ) . ” I ‘d suggest OSHA remember what their name is , Occupational Safety . Believing that the air is clear in buildings that has not be completely cleared is not appropriate . It ‘s not that hard to figure if personnel are breathing in fumes , fiberglass and other harmful particles that it will probably lead to health issues in the future . The firemen should have been The second issue was the overall health concerns for the workers . It was reported that the New York City government failed its workers by allegedly not addressing the safety concerns of those working at ground zero . According to Shunfro , ” Rather than deal with the problem , they took the minimal approach and the consequences were that there were large numbers of people who were exposed who could have been protected . ” ( Torres , 2006 ) This is and will always be a problem of the government . People are expendable but millions of dollars in property , liability suits and claims are more important . I ‘d really suggest the federal government would have gotten involved to monitor companies that abuse the system and its workers . Feldman D , Baron S , Bernard B , et al . Symptoms , respirator use , and pulmonary function changes among New York City firefighters responding to the World Trade Center Disaster . Chest 2004 ; 125 ( 4 ) : 1256-1264 . Torres , K. ( 2006 ) . 9/11 : Safety and Health Lessons Learned . ( cover story ) . Occupational Hazards , 68 ( 9 ) , 28 . Thank you all for this discussion . Personal protection equipment is very important , but unfortunately availability and time constraints usually play factors . I can count numerous times when I had to respond immediately to an emergency or sensitive


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