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BUS-600 Week 5 Discussion 2, Ethical Behavior

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BUS-600 Week 5 Discussion 2, Ethical Behavior
In a 250-300 word response, relate an organizational example of the use or lack of use of ethical standards in management communications. The example may be from your own workplace or from a business situation with which you are familiar. Support your answer by …..why you believe it is an example of communicating in an ethical manner and why you believe the decision was … communicate in the particular manner. Use references to validate your analysis. Respond to at least two of your fellow students’ posts by commenting on the examples they have given.

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 Ethical and unethical communication contribute to the success or failure of an organization . Ethical standards are sets of formal and informal standards of conduct that people practice for guiding their attitude towards life . The core values that these standards are based on are usually honesty , respect and trust . However , one ‘s ethical standards can also be learned directly from the actions of others . I can honestly say that my current employer has a high standard of ethics . As a matter of fact , our company is actually known for its high ethical standards ; it is mentioned in our mission statement and has been proved in our Great Place to Work survey reports ! As part of our onboarding , it is vital for each employee to partake in an ethics course as one of the 90 day requirements . Our company takes pride in their clients and values maintenance of the highest standard of ethical business practices . The importance of communicating in an ethical manner speaks volumes about the overall success of an organization . It is truly important for an organization to communicate ethically because it is an underlying way to protect employees and an organization . ” Individual , cities , and countries develop laws and regulations designed to protect citizens and businesses . The same holds true for companies and collectives of businesses . In each instance , ethical frameworks to whatever degree they are present are founded on the basic philosophical principles of morality ” ( Baack , 2012 , Sec 8.1 ) . When one communicates ethically , one adheres to a set rules that describes acceptable conduct and serve as a guide to moral daily living . It is safe to say that to live , speak and work unethically can be equated to violation of rules , compromising trust , integrity , values , and morals . Adhering to ethical behavior and communications is setting one up for success , in all aspects of life .


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