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BUS 600 Week 1 Discussion 2, Ashford Learning Resources

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BUS 600 Week 1 Discussion 2, Ashford Learning Resources
Review the Learning Resources materials under the Course Resources tab in the left navigation of the course. Explore the resources available, view demos/tutorials and read the guides. In a 250-300 word response, discuss how these resources will be of value to you in your program at Ashford. Use at least one resource to support your key points. Respond to at least two of our fellow students’ posts and offer suggestions on how they could increase the value of the resources they identified.

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It had definitely been a while since I ‘ve been in an educational setting , let alone an online university . To be honest , it has definitely been quite a transition . It ‘s almost like learning to ride a bike all over again , at least for myself in this case . The Ashford online learning resources are such a great benefit and hold such high value to my educational success . I am honestly grateful for the online library and will find it extremely useful as a writing aide in my discussions and research paper . I love Grammarly ! I have actually implemented that program into my own personal email account and found it to be such a big help . At times , my fingers type faster than I think so utilizing platforms like Grammarly have helped so much both personally and professionally . Online resources have made an entire revolution in education , not only because they are convenient and accessible , but because they make the entire process of teaching and learning more interesting and memorable . Being able to have these online resources incorporated within our curriculum is a great asset and tool for a successful year ! I know that upon obtaining my Masters , I would at some point have to write a thesis . Prior to making the decision to going back to school , for some reason , writing a thesis seemed a bit intimidating . The Thesis Generator would be very helpful and makes writing a thesis easier than expected . Finally , being able to have a 24 / 7 writing tutoring service is such a delight . Any help that I can receive to better my writing skills is something I really appreciate . Being able to talk with a live tutor can be very helpful when I need it . I am very pleased with the resources Ashford has to offer . I look forward to utilizing the resources available as much as possible to ensure my overall educational success .


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