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BUS600 Week 3 Discussion 2, Visual Presentations

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BUS600 Week 3 Discussion 2, Visual Presentations
In a 250-300 word response, describe a work report that you are required (or have been required) to complete on a regular basis. How would you present the information related to this report in a visual manner? Would a visual presentation enhance its effectiveness? Why or why not? Use at least one resource to support your key points. Respond to at least two of your fellow students’ posts.

Below is a Sample Solution.

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In my current role , I am responsible for delivering a biweekly finance report to my manager . This finance report contains all of the expenses our department has had in the last two weeks . This helps us stay on budget and also keeps track of what we are spending money on . There are five main expenses : Food , Office Supplies , UPS , Drugs , and General Supplies . Currently , I present my biweekly report using a simple excel spreadsheet . Moreover , I can present this report in a visual manner using a pie chart . On the pie chart I can divide it into five sections so my manager can easily visualize what the department is spending money on . I believe a visual presentation would enhance my report ‘s effectiveness greatly . Instead of using a complicated spreadsheet where my manager has to look for numbers she can just see the departmental spending on the pie chart . If my manager sees one part of the pie chart bigger than usual she will automatically know something is out of the ordinary . For example , we usually spend the most amount of money on ” general supplies ” , but if the pie chart shows the biggest part of the pie chart labeled ” food ” she will know to go back and see what exactly we bought . This can be essential to the department for budgeting reasons . Using a pie chart can be beneficial because it will also save time . Since the pie chart is a visual explanation it will require ” minimal additional explanation ” ( Barcelona Field Studies Centre ) . Employees can reduce time generating reports and work on something else .


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