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BUS600 Week 6 Discussion 1, Group Communication

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BUS600 Week 6 Discussion 1, Group Communication
In a 250-300 word response, analyze how communication in groups differs from individual communication. Are there unique challenges to communicating with groups? Provide examples. Use at least one resource to support your key points.

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Provide examples . Use at least one resource to support your key points . Respond to at least two of your fellow students ‘ posts . Audience and decision-making are the differentiating factors in group and individual communication . When speaking to an individual it is easier to get your point across because you are speaking to ONE person upon his thoughts , opinions and view (s) of the conversation . When speaking in and/or with a group you are speaking to several individuals with various opinions , thoughts and views , making it harder to get your point/focus across , Baack 2012 defines this as the storming stage , where the leader faces resistance as individuals seek to push boundaries and discover their places in the group ‘ s structure . Along with the additional variances in group communication from individual communication , group communication have additional/various conflict , additional/various communication barriers and an individual responsibility to problem solve and resolve for the whole . Presentation , conflict resolution and decision-making are perhaps the biggest challenges when communicating with groups . Opinions and feedback are important when communicating as they are signs that you/we are being listened too , however , in group settings communication between attendees and leaders can quickly become chaotic and focus/purpose lost . The best example that comes to mind is the repetition game where you tell one person something and ask them to repeat it back to the next and to the next then to the next , somewhere down the line after it ‘ s been repeated back to another , the ” A black bear in the woods ” sentence turned into an argument with the leader of the game on why the bear was in the woods and why it had to be black and why wasn ‘ t it hibernating , etc . , etc . , – any and everything that has nothing to do with the point/purpose of the game . Baack 2012 makes a great point in regards to the role each individual plays within a meeting whether he/she is an attendee or a leader saying th


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