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HLT 610 Module 2
 In 500-750 words, describe the components necessary to create an effective professional identity. Explain why professional networks are essential for professional development.

Components necessary to build an effective professional identity

A. Reflection

In our systematic analysis, research discussed how reflection contributes to the development of professional identity. Research shows that reflection contributes to the development of comprehension, cognition, trust, personal and professional identity, as well as professional maturity and professional feelings.
Reflection is seen by the notion of positive reflection as a crucial process in the creation of professional identity by consciously anchoring new ideas to previous learning as well as questioning existing perceptions and fostering new perspectives. This leads to positive improvements in self-assessment, the capacity to improve theory and practice, and professional behaviour.

B. Mentoring

In the sense of a professional relationship, mentoring can be described as part of a school internship, where a more experienced mentor serves as a guide or role model to help a student intern achieve professional and personal growth by offering knowledge, advice, challenge, and support to the interns.
The role modeling provided by mentors is important to the creation of professional identity and an untapped teaching technique that not only helps mentees reduce stress while developing skills, but also encourages them to incorporate theory into practice and enjoy better career performance. This relationship of mentoring must be based on mutual confidence, as this facilitates deeper self-reflection, professional development and receptivity to feedback.

C. Professional Socialisation

It is possible to characterize professional socialisation as a sense of belonging to a professional community and being recognized as one of the group. During pre-employment preparation, it is a powerful determinant of professional identity development. Students should be encouraged to ask questions, share with a professional group their interests, concerns, and experiences, and take part in special work projects.
Professional socialisation can thus promote professional development, innovation, confidence, trust, and a sense of belonging that internalizes a profession’s values, beliefs and attitudes. In professional socialization, the work environment often plays a role and students must be able to observe role models so that they can internalize learned professional behaviors.

D. Self-Efficacy and Goal Orientation

Self-efficacy can be described as the perception of self-confidence in being able, under the prevailing challenges and conditions, to perform a task to one’s own standards. Studies show that self-efficacy not only has a huge effect on the acquisition of learning and skills, but also on perseverance, work satisfaction, motivation and job performance.
Goal orientation explains why people are trying to obtain particular goals and how they interpret such results, as well as how they consider or avoid difficulties. If the aim is to optimize the abilities of a person, then studies show that those with more self-efficacy tend to choose more difficult goals, are more task-oriented, and are more secure in their abilities.

E. Critical Thinking

In order to make rational decisions, critical thinking is characterized as the capacity to evaluate a problem and requires the application of prior learning to the current context. In order to promote decision-making, to consider new perspectives and to discuss potential alternative solutions, it is the metacognitive capacity to ask difficult questions, to test hypotheses and facts.
This metacognitive capacity to consider one’s own thinking processes may effectively lead to the development of professional identity, which type of professional one is now and what type of professional one wants to be like in the future.

Why professional networks are essential for professional development?

Professional networking includes the use of personal, professional, academic or family connections to help with a job search, achieve career goals, learn more about your industry, or any field in which you would like to work. Networking can be a great place to learn about job openings or get into a business in which you want to work.

Professional networks are essential for professional development because it can help you build and expand your skill set, stay on top of the latest developments in your industry, keep a pulse on the job market, meet potential mentors, collaborators, and customers, and gain access to the required tools to support your career development.

The following are specific reasons why professional networks are essential for professional development:

A. An avenue to exchange ideas. Without listening to other people, you can never say how much you know. Success in a profession is primarily due to the accumulation of knowledge or ideas that you have collected in the past. It fosters a trade of ideas to preserve long-term relationships and mutual confidence when networks have been formed. In addition to instilling best practices that soothe your future, when you receive suggestions, it helps both in your place of work and out.

B. An avenue for newer opportunities. It opens the door for new opportunities when people start noticing you. The avenue of new opportunities opened to them by networking has allowed business and career-minded people who have networked over time to expand with minimal effort. Opportunities such as meeting the right consumers or even meeting individuals who are superior to your career path may be a move that could alter your life for the better.

C. Improves your creative intellect. The external variables around where we are are most often created by expectations and great inventions. Through relations we have formed with other individuals over a period of time, the intellectual capacity in various professions is greatly enhanced. A year-long research work can transform even a simple interaction with one person and result in a breakthrough. 

D. Growth in status. Depending on how you concentrate on your networking journey, improving your career status is a long-term process. Top career people who are where they are today are the product of the networking status they have established. The contacts you maintain are largely due to your growth. In your status, they primarily affect growth and pave the way for better job opportunities. Your links are strong!

E. Support from high profiles individuals. Everyone has gone through some challenges in their career growth, one way or the other. This may be due to the lack of available materials or even the lack of financial assistance. Good networking with high-profile people from the same career path will however, serve as help if there is any possibility at any moment. By either giving you advice or connecting you to the right financial resources, these high-profile people will help you handle your problems effectively.


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