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HSM 438 Week 3 Discussion 2, Policing Hate on the Internet

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HSM 438 Week 3 Discussion 2, Policing Hate on the Internet
Identify two challenges that law enforcement and intelligence organizations face when policing hate groups on the Internet. Do you think that police should be able to gather evidence on extremist groups via the Internet? How does the USA Patriot Act, the Electronic Communications Privacy Act and Title III wiretaps help or hinder police from investigating extremist groups on the internet. Support your answer.


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Identify two challenges that law enforcement and intelligence organizations face when policing hate groups on the Internet. Do you think that police should be able to gather evidence on extremist groups via the Internet? 
Two challenges that law enforcement and intelligence organizations face when they are policing hate groups on the internet is their ability and willingness to share information and the conflicting roles . The two vary fundamentally in their extent of work ; intelligence organizations gather and dissect data to give notices about acts that are going to happen or prevent the demonstrations from happening , this action is engaged outside the United States ; then again law enforcement associations ‘ main role is to gather proof after a wrongdoing to help with arraignment endeavors and their endeavors are the inquiry is , the thing that happens when knowledge accumulation on a gathering or individual moves from remote to household ? Well that is the rub , as indicated by principle , the obligation ought to move from insight associations ( military or regular citizen ) to law implementation ( FBI , DEA ) . Yes , I believe that the police should be able to use the internet to gather evidence on extremist groups . Extremists use internet to recruit others to join their cause and to spread their hate towards others . If police were to use the internet to gather evidence on these individuals , then there is a possibility that some situations may be dissolved before it happens . Considering if the USA Patriot Act , the Electronic Communications Privacy Act and Title III wiretaps help or hinder police from investigating extremist groups on the internet would depend on the individuals and the situation itself . Many individuals believe that this could be a clear violation of a person ‘s Fourth Amendment rights . I believe that it can help police investigate extremist groups as long as they are not violating anyone ‘s personal rights .

 How does the USA Patriot Act, the Electronic Communications Privacy Act and Title III wiretaps help or hinder police from investigating extremist groups on the internet. Support your answer.

Basically , all these programs that were created were to help investigations against extremist group by setting up wiretaps , search warrants , pen/ trap and trace orders and court orders and subpoenas . ” The USA PATRIOT Act ( Provide Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism ) changed over 15 different statutes with little or no external review . The law addressed not only terrorism and intelligence issues but also focused on more traditional money laundering , computer abuse and crime , immigration processes , and fraud . However , the most substantial part of the act is that it expanded all four traditional tools of surveillance used by law enforcement with significantly reduced checks and balances : Wiretaps , Search warrants , Pen/trap and trace orders and Court orders and subpoenas . Law enforcement and intelligence agencies can now more easily and more surreptitiously monitor the Web surfing and communication of individuals using the Internet , conduct nationwide roving wiretaps on cell and line telephones , and build profiles on the reading habits of people visiting public libraries . ” ( Taylor , Fritsch , Liederbach , Holt , 2011 )


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