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Identify five sources of data available at the federal level. What is the importance of each data source in public health funding and surveillance? Describe the information/content that can be found in these data sources. Present an example of an industry that might find each of these data sources useful.

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We have the primary data and secondary data. Primary data is the kind of data that is collected by the researcher while secondary data is the kind of data that is has been collected by other people, organization or institutions.

A source of data refers to the places or institutions data can be got from. The following refers to the most sources of data.

Inter-University Consortium for political and social Research (ICPSR) – the sources is being provided the BYU students by the institute of social Research at the University of Michigan. The sources has many files in the field of social sciences which include disciplines like criminal justice and terrorism.

The institute of quantitative social science (IQSS Dataverse network) – This dataverse is issued by by the institute of Quantitive Social sciences which taking place at the Harvard university which has many data files around 650000.

The U.S. Census Bureau (DataFerrett)

The data source is provided at the expence of the united States census Bureau. The patron have the mandate of downloading them from the surveys carried out by the government, for instance, the Decennial Census of population and Housing. When the application is allowed to run all the inhibitors has be kept off.

General Social survey (GSS)

This source has average scope of behavioral, attitudinal and demographic and the highlights of the given of various discipline. The many queries that has been raised to dominate in the files.

Geocommons – The posted data is being housed in this website. The website has the capability of mapping the geospatial data. The sets of data that includes the addresses, country has the capability of being mapped and color-coded based on quantitative features.


Freilich, J. D., Chermak, S. M., Belli, R., Gruenewald, J., & Parkin, W. S. (2014). Introducing the United States extremis crime database (ECDB). Terrorism and Political Violence, 26(2), 372-384.

Groves, P., Kayyali, B., Knott, D., & Kuiken, S. V. (2016). The’big data’revolution in healthcare: Accelerating value and innovation.


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