HUMAN COMMUNICATION Section 180 Spring Semester 2022
Instructions |
Overview A Reflection Assignment is a way for you to think back on the information you learned in this module and connect it with your experiences and future goals. Use this time to evaluate what you learned, how your new knowledge will help you in being an effective communicator and how you can implement your learning into a future career. Your Task Read the questions below. Attach a1-page, double-spaced reflection essay, 12-14 pt font (preferably Times New Roman or Arial font). 1. What is something in Modules 1-5 that stuck with you and why? (Thiscouldincludecontent, assignment, discussion, etc.) 2. How can you use information from Modules1-5 tohelp you transition from college to career? |
Reflection Assignment: How to Complete a Reflection Assignment
At the end of Modules 5 and 8, you will write a 1-page, double-spaced reflection essay. This assignment is used to reflect on your learning and make connections to your future career. Follow the below guidelines to complete these surveys.
Reflection Assignment Guidelines
·These essays are worth 20 points.
·Make sure you fully explain your responses-one wordanswers, under explained ideas will not get credit.
·Make sure responsesareclassroom appropriate.
6.3 Essay: Speech Analysis
Part One-Overview
Chapter 10 and Chapter 11 Overview/Lecture Notes for Speech Analysis Assignment
The Speechmaking Process
Throughout your educational, professional, and social life, you have been called upon to speak to various audiences. If you have not, you will likely will be called to speak one day. A review of the chapters covered this semester highlights the intricacies involved in effective communication, and can also help us understand why public speaking/public communication is considered one of the most challenging of the eight broad areas of human communication (see Chapter 1 Overview/Lecture Notes for eight broad areas of Human Communication).
Whether we are preparing, presenting, or even listening effectively to a speech, three major areas are critical:
·Content(what is said in a speech)
·Structure(how a speech is organized)
·Delivery(how speakers use vocal and physical elements to present a message)
Additionally, effective public speaking involves a systematic process that includes several time-tested steps to improve the likelihood of success. In general, these steps are
1.Select a topic.
2.Select a general purpose (eitherto inform,to persuade, orto entertain;speaking to entertain includesspeeches of acceptance, speeches of introduction, keynote speeches, welcome speeches, after-dinner speeches, eulogies, toasts,andcommemorative speechessuch as graduation speeches and speeches commemorating or celebrating the anniversaries for historic events, etc.).
3.Develop a specific purpose (one audience-centered statement that identifies the goal for a speech). For example,
a.To inform my audience of three major developments in the history of the iPhone.
b.To persuade my audience to vote in the upcoming mayoral election in our city.
4.Develop a thesis statement (one sentence that summarizes the major ideas of a speech).
5.Research and support speech (use credible, scholarly resources to identify facts, examples, statistics, testimonies, etc., to support your main ideas; identify presentation/visual aids, if appropriate for the speech type).
6.Prepare outline/speaking notes (select best organizational pattern; develop introduction, body, and conclusion; develop transitions/signposts; prepare formal outline, speaking outline, or informal notes).
7.Practice delivery (use memorized, manuscript, impromptu, or extemporaneous delivery method; practice to make corrections, minimize/manage public speaking anxiety, and become comfortable with ideas being presented).
8.Present speech (use appropriate non-verbal communication, which includes vocal delivery, or how you use your voice to deliver a speech – rate, pitch, volume, variety, articulation, pronunciation, avoiding fillers, etc., and physical delivery, or how you use your body language to deliver a speech – facial expressions, eye contact, posture, hand gestures, body movement, etc.).
Ultimately, these steps are all for naught unless the most important part of the speechmaking process is considered: The audience. At each step in the process, speakers must be audience-centered, beginning with a formal audience analysis or with one simple question: “Who is my audience?”
Part Two-Speech Analysis
The format for your analysis is a brief, typed essay. Please use general MLA format. Ifyou are not familiar with this format, please see the guidelines and sample in the following link. Specifically, your paper should include a four-part heading, a title for your paper, double-spaced format, 12-pt font size, standard 1-inch margins, etc.
OWL Purdue/MLA General Paper Format –
For this paper, please note the following –
·Your paper should be 1 1/2 – 2 pages.Please do not exceed two pages.
·Your paper should include at least five brief paragraphs
oA paragraph for Question 1
oA paragraph for Question 2
oA paragraph for Question 3
oCheck your paper for correct grammar, sentence structure, punctuation, word usage/spelling, etc., before submission.Submit your paper as an attachment to in the assignment folder. Be sure to submit paper in .doc, .docx, or .pdf format (I am usually unable to read other formats). Your analysis should clearly and directly answer the three questions shown below. (plagiarism checker) will automatically check your paper for originality.
Dr. King’s remarks about his speech: “I started out reading the speech and I read it down to a point, and just all of a sudden I decided – the audience response was wonderful that day, you know – and all of a sudden this thing came to me that I have used. I’d used it many times before – that thing about ‘I have a dream’ – and I just felt that I wanted to use it here. I don’t know why. I hadn’t thought about it before the speech.”
Dr. Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech is a wonderful case for the importance of an extemporaneous speaking in public speaking, which is the preferred method of delivery for modern public speakers. To analyze this speech,
Go to and listen to OR watch Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech (, includes transcript). NOTE: You may listen to the mp3 audio of this speech at no charge, OR you may pay a small fee to watch this video (fee required due to copyright). Again, you may choose to listen to or watch this speech to complete this assignment.
To analyze this speech, pay close attention to its content, structure, and delivery.If you choose to watch the video version of the speech, pay close attention to Dr. King’s vocal delivery and physical delivery.If you choose to listen to the audio version of the speech, pay close attention to Dr. King’s vocal delivery.
After the speech, please answer the following three questions in your analysis:
1.Can you identify the moment Dr. King moves from a manuscript delivery to an extemporaneous delivery? Please explain.
2.Are you surprised to know that he did not plan to use the now famous “I Have a Dream” theme for this speech? Please explain.
3.Had Dr. King kept to his planned manuscript, as he did at the beginning of his speech, do you think it would have had the impact it has had in the U.S. and globally. Please explain.
Essay: How to Complete an Essay Assignment
This one-page essay assignment offers you a chance to make connections between your personal journey and the more specific journey we are taking together in this course.
Essay Instructions
·You should first follow the Essay Style Instructions found on each essay prompt. Different types of essays require different styles, so it is essential that you read the prompt carefully.
·Your essay should be one page long, double-spaced.
·Write your essay in Times New Roman, 12 points, withone inchmargins.
·Your name and the title of the essay should be at the top of the page, centered, in bold.
·Do not make your name and the title a larger type than the rest of the essay.
·Make sure to follow the instructions for the assignment, but in general you should follow MLA format throughout the essay.
·Save your essay in Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx) format or in PDF.
·When you are finished, submit your essay to the correct folder in “Assignments” under the assessment tab in the top navigation menu.
·Essays will be gradedusing a rubric involving 5 categories:substance, engagement, structure, support, and clarity.
·Essays should follow MLA format. If you are unfamiliar with MLA format, basic information about it can be found in thePurdue Online Writing Labopens in new window.
·Essays will be screened for academic integrity usingTurnItIn.
Category |
1 point |
Substance |
The essay was sufficiently long and addressed the topics required by the assignment |
Engagement |
The essay fulfilled the specific writing instructions of the assignment |
Structure |
The essay had a clear and appropriate structure, including an introduction, main points, and a conclusion |
Support |
The essay contained proper support for its claims, whether in the form of specific examples or other types of evidence (in accordance with the specific instructions for the assignment) |
Clarity |
The writing in the essay was clear, relevant, and easy to understand. |
MLA Format |
One point will be deducted for failure to follow MLA style, except when superseded by specific assignment instructions. |
Modules 6-8 Reflection Assignment
Instructions |
Overview A Reflection Assignment is a way for you to think back on the information you learned in this module and connect it with your experiences and future goals. Use this time to evaluate what you learned, how your new knowledge will help you in being an effective communicator and how you can implement your learning into a future career. Your Task Read the 3 questions below. Type your response to each reflection question in the text box provided. 1. What is something in Modules 6-8 that stuck with you and why? (Thiscouldincludecontent, assignment, discussion, etc.) 2. What is one thing from Modules 6-8 you can use for yourPortfolium? 3. What is one way information from Modules 6-8 will help you transition from college to career? Reflection Assignment: How to Complete a Reflection AssignmentAt the end of Modules 5 and 8, you will write a 1-page, double-spaced reflection essay. This assignment is used to reflect on your learning and make connections to your future career. Follow the below guidelines to complete these surveys. Reflection Assignment Guidelines· These essays are worth 20 points. · Make sure you fully explain your responses-one wordanswers, under explained ideas will not get credit. · Make sure responsesareclassroom appropriate.
1.2 Discussion: How I Use Communication in My Everyday Life
OverviewWe use communication in our everyday lives without even thinking about it. We can, however, keep track of our daily communication techniques in order for us to build more effective communication skills in the future. Your Task (2 Parts)Part 1 (Due Sunday at 11:59 PM)1. Keep trackof the forms of communication that you use over the course of a day. The forms f communication can be the following: o Intrapersonal Communication (communication with one’s self, self-talk) o Interpersonal Communication (communication between people) o Group Communication (communication between decision-making committees and work teams) o Public Communication (public speaking) o Organizational Communication (work-related communication within business entities) o Mass Communication (communication to large-scale audiences via print and electronic media) o Mediated Communication (communication via social media) o Intercultural Communication(communication within and between different cultural and socialgroups) 2. Calculatethe totals of each form of communication. 3. Createa pie chart of your daily use of communication. You can Microsoft Excel or any program that you wish to create a simple pie chart. 4. Take a pictureof the pie chart and submit it to this discussion board. 5. Answerthe following questions with your pie chart submission: o Which forms of communication do you identify with the most? o Which forms do you identify with the least? Explain. Part 2 (Due Tuesday at 11:59 PM)1. Respondto two classmates’ discussion board posts. Discussion BoardPosting InstructionsIn order to successfully post to the Discussion Board and interact with your peers, refer to the following pages which contain step-by-step tutorials and discussion board guidelines. · How to Post to the Discussion Board · How to Respond to Your Peers on the Discussion Board
2.2 Discussion Board: Ted Talk – Your Body Language (Nonverbal)
OverviewThis discussion board will focus on body language and the ways in which we use them in our daily lives. Your Task (2 Parts)Part 1 (Due Sunday at 11:59 PM)c
2.3 Discussion Board: Are You Listening To Me?
Overview· “I remind myself every morning: Nothing I say this day will teach me anything. So if I’m going to learn, I must do it by listening.” – Larry King · “When you talk, you are only repeating what you already know. But when you listen, you might learn something new.” – The Dalai Lama · “Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens.” – Jimi Hendrix · “I like to listen.I have learned a great deal from listening carefully…When people talk,listen completely. Most people never listen.” – Ernest Hemingway Depending on the communication textbook you read,poor listening skills can result from any of a number of barriers to effective listening. Consider this partial list of barriers: · Selective Listening- picking and choosing those parts of the message that suit our purposes. · False Listening- pretending to listen by giving signals, such as nodding ourheads, thatwould indicate we are listening, though we are focused elsewhere. · Impatient Listening- mentally preparing our response while “listening,” preventing us from fully attending to the speaker. · Discourteous Listening- interrupting the speaker unnecessarily before he or she has finished speaking. · Not Concentrating- interrupting our own listening by thinking about other things. · Listening Too Hard- taking in thespeaker’severy word as if every word were equally important. · Jumping to Conclusions- putting words into the “speaker’s mouth”; assuming you know what the speaker is going to say before she or he has finished speaking. · Focusing on Delivery and Personal Appearance- judging people by the way they look or speak, and not listening to what they say. And so on, and so on… Your Task (Part 2)Part 1 (Due Sunday at 11:59 PM)1. Reviewthe chapter. 2. Respond to the following questions: o Do you have any of these barriers to listening? Please explain. o Do you experience other barriers that prevent you from being an effective communicator? Please explain. o Would you describe yourself as an effective or ineffective listener? Please explain. Part 2 (Due Tuesday at 11:59 PM)1. Respondto two classmates’ discussion board posts. 2. Focuson what you learned from their post that explains the relationship between interpersonal communication and personal branding. These are the questions we will discuss this week and reflect on throughoutour journeys; and by the end of thejourneyyou should have a better sense of who you are, what you want out of life–both personally, socially, and professionally, and how to communicate more effectively to get it. The quality of our life depends significantly on our communication skills; so the time we invest in improving our communication skills is time well spent. Discussion BoardPosting InstructionsIn order to successfully post to the Discussion Board and interact with your peers, refer to the following pages which contain step-by-step tutorials and discussion board guidelines. · How to Post to the Discussion Board · How to Respond to Your Peers on the Discussion Board
3.2 Discussion: My Cultural Identity
Chapter 8 defines culture as the ongoing negotiation of learned and patterned beliefs, attitudes, values, and behaviors. From the definition we can see that culture is a process and changes over time. We learn our culture through our communication with others. Through this communication, our identity is formed. This is known as Social Constructionism. The chapter states that personal, social, and cultural identities work to shape the overall self. Race, gender, sexual orientation, and ability make our cultural identities along with religion, age, nationality, and class.
Your Task (2 Parts)
Part 1 (Due Sunday at 11:59 PM)
1.ReviewChapter 8 on Culture and Communication.
2.Respond to the following questions:
oBased on the components of cultural identity in the chapter, describe a situation in which someone ascribed an identity to you that didn’t match with your avowed identities.
oWhy do you think the person ascribed the identity to you?
oWere there any stereotypes involved?
Part 2 (Due Tuesday at 11:59 PM)
1.Respondto TWO classmates’ discussion board posts.
2.Focuson the components of cultural identity leading to accuracy or inaccuracy of the perception of identity.
These are the questions we will discuss this week and reflect on throughoutour journeys; and by the end of thejourneyyou should have a better sense of who you are, what you want out of life–both personally, socially, and professionally, and how to communicate more effectively to get it. The quality of our life depends significantly on our communication skills; so the time we invest in improving our communication skills is time well spent.
Discussion BoardPosting Instructions
In order to successfully post to the Discussion Board and interact with your peers, refer to the following pages which contain step-by-step tutorials and discussion board guidelines.
·How to Post to the Discussion Board
·How to Respond to Your Peers on the Discussion Board
4.1 Discussion: Working in Groups and Group Leadership
Many people cringe at the thought of group projects and presentations. It is often disconcerting to have to rely on others in the quest for a decent grade, work evaluation, or general positive outcome. Additionally, many of us struggle in group situations, as do those who have to delegate tasks when they would prefer to have a certain level of control.
Understanding how groups interact and learning how to improve group communication skills can mean the difference between a successful group experience and an unsuccessful, unproductive, completely unpleasant experience (fromIntroduction to Human Communication, Beauchamp).
Your Task (2 Parts)
Part 1 (Due Sunday at 11:59 PM)
1.Reviewthe chapter
2.Chooseone of the following options and be sure to include at least one reference from the eTextbook or lecture notes to support your answers:
oOption 1
§What is the bestorworst group experience you have ever had?
§After reviewingthe chapters, to what can you attribute your experience? Please reference theories/concepts/terms from the chapter to support your ideas.
§What could you have done to improve your experience with this group? Please reference theories/concepts/terms from the chapter to support your ideas.
oOption 2
§Have you ever held a leadership position in a group? What was it?
§What was your leadership style, and why did you choose this style? Please refer to the leadership styles discussed in theassignedchapter to explain your answer.
§How successful a leader do you think you were? Please explain.
Part 2 (Due Tuesday at 11:59 PM)
1.Respondto two classmates’ discussion board posts.
Discussion BoardPosting Instructions
In order to successfully post to the Discussion Board and interact with your peers, refer to the following pages which contain step-by-step tutorials and discussion board guidelines.
·How to Post to the Discussion Board
·How to Respond to Your Peers on the Discussion Board