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Skin disorder
How you would support an individual with an obvious skin disorder – for example rosacea, psoriasis, scarring from severe burns, etc.

Use correct APA format, grammar and citations (15 points)


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As an individual, I would support a patient suffering from an obvious skin disorder particularly psoriasis by learning about their disease itself, getting medically involved/consult to a dermatologist, don’t stare at their skin at all times, encourage them to go-to outdoor activity, reduce stressors, and listen to their concerns. Additionally, I can also show my support by assisting them in reducing the feeling of loneliness in order to support his or her well-being. Invite them to social occasions or invite them to go for a drive or a cup of coffee with you. Join them at home for a movie or a night of discourse if they want to stay in. A person may provide emotional support as a friend. Allowing them to speak might be all that is required to make them feel comfortable reaching out. Hence, they will develop a better sense of how he/she can help, especially as their own friendship builds up.

Psoriasis is a skin condition in which skin cells grow and increases 10 times or higher. The skin becomes bumpy red patches of white scales that may result in psoriasis. Likewise, patches can develop on any part of the body, but the most prominent spots are the scalp, elbows, knees, and lower back. Though it is not infectious and contagious, an individual must protect their selves at all times particularly their skin and body. It can be difficult to wait for a friend to come with you for assistance when you need support. Rather than waiting, we should politely inquire as to how they are feeling in particular. Direct questions, such as whether they’re having a psoriasis flare or taking a new treatment, are not really appropriate.


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