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JUS 506 Topic 5 DQ 2
Despite its glamorous Hollywood image, criminal profiling has a reputation for underperforming among criminologists and researchers. How might newer versions of criminal profiling that utilize modern technology change the game and be more effective in catching criminals?

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Newer versions of technology make a suspect not to know he/she is being profiled and as a result just stay freely where he/she is which makes him/her be profiled much easily (Byrne, J., & Marx, G. 2011). Criminals are rational people and using technologies that are aware will not result in catching or rather arresting them.

Newer versions of technology make the criminals not to hide their identity and that gives room for criminal profilers to carry out their roles diligently. In criminal profiling, the best result is obtained if the suspected criminals are completely not aware that criminal profiling is taking place.

Newer versions of technology make the criminal to continue with his/her activities without realizing that he/she is being profiled. That makes the law criminal profilers to put in place mechanism of ensuring that the criminals are arrested and placed in the criminal justice system for the due process as provided in the constitution to take place and proceed.

In conclusion, newer versions of technology ensure that the criminals are profiled without knowing that the process of profiling is taking place. That makes the criminals’ act of catching him to be much simpler.


Byrne, J., & Marx, G. (2011). Technological innovations in crime prevention and policing. A review of the research on implementation and impact. Journal of Police Studies, 20(3), 17-40.



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