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How do vectors play a role in the transmission of disease? What are some procedures for control and prevention? Provide a specific example.

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1 . Vectors are organisms that transmit pathogens and parasites from one infected person ( or animal ) to another , causing serious diseases in human populations . These diseases are commonly found in tropical and sub-tropical regions and places where access to safe drinking – water and sanitation systems is problematic . The role that vectors play in the transmission of a disease is that they are the organisms that actually carry the pathogens and the parasites and are responsible for infecting a person with a disease . Some procedures for control and prevention would be to provide access to safe drinking water since a lot these parasites and pathogens are found in water that has not been purified . Also another procedure for prevention would be to make sure that people clean their hands properly and to implement an effective sanitation system . Since vectors are responsible for about seventeen percent of the infectious diseases in the world it is imperative that these measures for control and prevention need to be enforced . Also something else that could be done to control would be to make sure that the vectors do not come in contact with people . For example with malaria the vector would be mosquitos . So it would be important to decrease the contact they make with humans . That ‘s why things like mosquito nets and mosquito repellant are important . World Health Organization . ( 2014 ) . About vector – borne diseases . Retrieved from


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