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JUS 506 Week 1 Assignment, Drug Laws

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JUS 506 Week 1 Assignment, Drug Laws
Write an essay of 1,000-1,250 words explaining the impact of social norms and shifting morality specifically on drug control legislation.
1. How did shifting morality (to include media coverage/public moral panic) affect the nation’s response to drug control between the passing of the Controlled Substances Act of 1970 and the “War on Drugs” started by the Nixon administration.
2. Why do you think the nation’s opioid abuse and overdose is at historically high levels, yet marijuana has been legalized for recreational use in eight states? How might shifting societal values have influenced this trend?

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1. How did shifting morality (to include media coverage/public moral panic) affect the nation’s response to drug control between the passing of the Controlled Substances Act of 1970 and the “War on Drugs” started by the Nixon administration.
The shifting morality had a huge impact on the war against drug abuse and control, to ensure that there was a better framework and response team that would deal with the drug menace and the efficiency of the anti-drug abuse departments it was necessary to ensure that there was a tough law against drug abuse.

The influx of drugs from Colombia saw the death and the unproductivity of young adults in the streets of America which necessitated the president to take action and have a multi-agency team fight against narcotics. The shifting drug abuse and use led to the nation discouraging the abuse of drugs.
2. Why do you think the nation’s opioid abuse and overdose is at historically high levels, yet marijuana has been legalized for recreational use in eight states? How might shifting societal values have influenced this trend?

Abuse of opium and other related drugs is influenced by among other factors by availability,liberal societal norms,peer pressure and legalization. The abuse and overdose is at record high because of the above mentioned factors and more so because of availability and accelerated by declining societal norms among many people. More importantly,the increased liberalism in society when it comes to norms and rules is one of the reasons for the record high abuse and overdose of opioids.People nowadays do not give a lot of emphasis to things that used to be prohibited,individuals young and old have a choice to make due to life pressure,people tend to resort to drugs to escape the reality and hardships of life.


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