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ABS 497 Week 1 Discussion 1, Fabian’s Story

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ABS 497 Week 1 Discussion 1, Fabian’s Story
Read Fabian’s story in the ” Human Behavior and Community Macro Systems: Sociopsychological Perspective” section of your textbook. Briefly describe the sociopsychological perspective and compare it to at least one other perspective the book discusses.  How can the sociopsychological perspective use to understand, and perhaps solve Fabian’s issue? Is there another perspective that would offer a better solution? Explain your answers.

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Fabian ‘s story could also be used to educate others by incorporating the third perspective from the underlying perspective . A neighborhood location should have distinct regions to deal with the various organizations it has , as this is analogous to perceiving boundaries in addition to rules . Additionally , there should be a church area and a commercial center for everyone . When tailored to our unique circumstances , this entails both individual protection and the establishment of rules for everyone to follow , as well as mutual respect ( Zastrow , Substance . They would . also , Kirst – Ashman , Nited realm . Nited realm , 2010 ) . To ensure compliance with all applicable laws , the majority of neighborhoods obtain exceptionally safe law enforcement through associations that are cognizant of and familiar with the area ( Yin – Ling , We. Watts . , and Stanhope , 6th is v. ( 2009 ) . When people are in need of assistance , these types of organizations can undoubtedly assist each and every one of them . The sociopsychological perspective is founded on an individual ‘s concept , sensation , and perspective on the immediate local area in which they are located . In any case , the primary perspective is determined by how much energy the solitary keeper appears to be generating as well as how to make it happen appropriately ( Zastrow , Substance . They would. , and Kirst – Ashman , Nited realm . Nited realm , 2010 ) . From a sociopsychological standpoint , it is critical for an individual to feel a sense of belonging in their community . When an individual feels a sense of belonging or ownership in their community , they are more willing to participate and become involved in its activities . Fabian initially believed that he was a member of his community and that people would care for and support him regardless of his personality or disability . Due to the fact that sociopsychology is concerned with feelings , emotions , safety , and a person ‘s interaction with a structure ( Zastrow , C.H. & Kirst – Ashman , K. K , 2010 ) , it can be perceived differently by each individual . The perspective can be used to resolve Fabian ‘s issue by reminding those around him that the community is only as strong as its members . There is an adage that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link , and Fabian was desperate for financial support . Housing and services for disabled people have become critical to many communities , which strive to normalize the lives and living conditions of disabled people ( Yin – Ling , I. W. , & Stanhope , V. ( 2009 ) .


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