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HSM 315 Week 5 Discussion 1, Risk Communication

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HSM 315 Week 5 Discussion 1, Risk Communication
In the Video, Risk Communication, Sarb Johal explains people’s reasoning processes in high stress situations. This understanding is critical for the emergency planner while working risk communication and hazard adjustments.

Explain what risk communication is and how it is used to promote hazard adjustment. Lastly, discuss the importance of timing with regard to risk communication. Is it better to alert the public in advance of all risks or wait until events happen and then react to the event with more specific risk communications?……


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Risk CommunicationRisk communication reduces “the need for emotions and arousal by implementing a series of trainingexercises that reduces the stress of individuals from going into a sense of panic and fear by gainingcontrol of the situation” (Johal, 2012). This method is used to promote hazard adjustment by reinforcingcognitive evaluation when approaching the public in a crisis situation whether it be technical, natural orman-made disasters “developing a cognitive evaluation poses a low threat pathway that promotes strongdiverse decision making led by behavior, producing a relevant positive outcome” failure to analyze astrong risk communication will lead to the opposite of Johal’s threat perception creating a high threatpathway.The importance of timing with regard to risk communication is essential to any given situation, it issomething that should be addressed promptly to minimize future damage and panic amongst the public.We cannot go on record and say outrageous speeches to the public- that will arouse individuals in anegative way, so therefore planning, preparing and conducting training exercises will reduce the amountof stress for people who are involved with the Emergency planning operations. According to Huder “Thetraining should be incremental in nature, one step at a time, with the long-term goal of changing howteam members view and respond to information in the environment of an EOC.”(Huder, 2012, p. 192).Consistent training leads to more control of the situation and the brain functions properly as it is our firstinstinct to panic if we are not prepared for any disaster at hand. I strongly believe in training andpreparation methods. For instance, can you imagine having an emergency operations center that nevertrained for risk communication? Or perhaps the military that never conducts training exercises? The


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