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JUS 630 Week 4 Topic 4 Discussion 1

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JUS 630 Week 4 Topic 4 Discussion 1
Explain the effect international law has on global society. How does this differ from treaties?


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International law is referred to a body of rules that is recognized by countries as guiding their relations because international laws are binding to countries. Treaties, on the other hand, are agreements entered between two or more countries formally.

The International law promotes good relations globally because International laws are binding (Buchanan, A. E., 2007). It thus makes countries to be united and in fact, make people free to conduct business worldwide. When Countries are united, a lot of developments usually continue as one country learns from others and starts also advancing.

International law gives other countries to intervene if there are a lot of atrocities committed against the innocent in the society are being killed in a given country. Other countries usually come in by sending their Military forces on a peace mission and thus saving the lives of many.

International law makes the head of states to ensure that their Country is safe always which has a positive impact international because such a country attracts investors internationally. That steers good relations among the countries.

International law makes a country to be internationally held accountable for breakage of the law. This helps in promoting accountability which in turn promotes good relations internationally. Country mostly value countries where there is accountability as it can send their citizens there to even assist in advancing technology.

How does this differ from treaties?

The effect of international law differs from treaties because:

International law is binding internationally, but treaties are only binding countries that have signed it which can be even two countries but the International law is binding to all countries worldwide without any exception.

The International law promotes good relations worldwide but treaty promotes good relations in countries that have ratified the treaty only, and those that have not ratified are not included in promoting good relations. 

International law makes all countries to assist one another where there is a security need for example genocide in a given country. Treaty only involves members’ states which are only those who have signed it. In a nutshell, International law promotes international relations while treat only promotes relations in member countries.


Buchanan, A. E. (2007). Justice, legitimacy, and self-determination: moral foundations for international law. Oxford University Press on Demand.

International law Compels all states in the contemporary world, including great powers, to justify their behavior according to legal rules and accepted norms.These rules and accepted norms provide order and help to mitigate destructive conflict in the world.Unlike treaties,International law does little to effect counter or retaliatory punishment strategies for violations.Treaties also allow some exclusions and agenda control devices that are not available in the relatively decentralized world of custom.


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