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LDR 615 TOPIC 7 DQ 1
Discuss the importance of identifying and acknowledging short-term wins during change. What types of short-term wins are most meaningful? Why?

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1) Short-term wins are one technique to do that. By including them as part of your overall change strategy, you will improve engagement, reduce employee resistance, and achieve better results from your change program.

2) Short term wins are serving four important purposes

  • Wins provide feedback to change leaders about the validity of their visions and strategies
  • Wins give those working hard to achieve a vision a pat on the back, an emotional uplift
  • Wins build faith in the effort, attracting those who are not yet actively helping
  • Wins take power away from cynics

 A short-term win is an organizational improvement that you and your organization can implement in 6 to 18 months and it is a significant organizational improvement. A short-term win must meet three criteria: 

  • Its success must be unambiguous
  • It must be visible throughout the organization.
  • It must be clearly related to the change effort.

Examples of short-term wins include:

  • A re-engineering effort that promises cost reductions in 12 months and the reductions happen.
  • A reorganization reduces the product development cycle from 10 to 3 months.
  • An early assimilation of an acquisition gets a glowing write up in business media


Niederhauser, V., Schoessler, M., Gubrud-Howe, P. M., Magnussen, L., & Codier, E. (2012). Creating innovative models of clinical nursing education. Journal of Nursing Education, 51(11), 603-608.


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