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HLT 362V Topic 1 Discussion 1
Discuss the historical application of statistics in the field of health care. Describe an example, other than Florence Nightingale’s contributions, where statistical application has greatly influenced or changed health care operations or practice.

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Statistical concept originated has far back as the 1600’s. Data collection, summary and analysis are stables in the nursing foundation thanks to the notable Florence Nightingale, she was the pioneering leader in data collection. She was deeply influenced by Adolphe Quetelet an astronomer and mathematician who is considered to be the father if quantitative statistics in social sciences. In the 19th century the U.S government began using statistical data collection for the purpose of data collection, summary and analysis. During that same time the American Statistical Association (ASA) was formed in Boston, Massachusetts.

Health Statistics provide information for understanding, monitoring, improving and planning the use of resources to improve the lives of people, provide services and promote their well-being. Statistics are used in healthcare for research, quality improvement, inequalities in healthcare, risk analysis, inventory management and cost, resource utilization, patient length of stay, patient satisfaction, clinical trials, morbidity and mortality, effects of new treatments, measuring change, laboratory analysis, education, and much more.

Statistics have been utilized in healthcare since at least the 19thcentury. The famous theorist Florence Nightingale used a statistical approach to decrease the mortality rate of British troops in Crimea. She Demonstrated the value of aseptic techniques and infection control procedures. she was also honored for her contributions to nursing research. Florence Nightingale demonstrated the value of political activism to effect health care reform. She established the first nursing school in England.
With the creation of the ASA, helped lead to the development and creation of biostatistics program, that was started at John Hopkins University in 1918. The continued use of data and collection through this time, helped to create and develop epidemiology to improve populations health. Data collection and analysis have gotten a little easier to analyze in the 21st century with the introduction of electronic health record. Now diseases and and medical diagnosis are able to be stored and collected by all government entities with the required clearance and analysis database.


Helbig, J,. Ambrose, J., (2018) What Are Statistics and Why are They Important to Health Science. 
American Statistical Association (2020) History of the ASA 
Edwin W. Kopf’s, “Florence Nightingale as Statistician” :
The Guardian, “Florence Nightingale, Datajournalist: Information Has Always Been Beautiful”


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