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HLT 317V Week 2 Discussion 2
Describe the importance of the Institutional Review Board to the research process.

Cite at least two references to support your rationale using APA documentation.


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Professor and Class – The International Review Board ( IRB ) has several important functions that include : assuring that the research project is following the organization ‘s policy and procedures , laws , and ethical practices , to ensure that all participants are treated ethically by conducting initial and continued review of the investigative activities and aspects of the study , and giving the final approval for all activities involving human subjects . In addition , it is important that all research studies receive IRB approval prior to conducting the study or the manuscript of the project and its findings can not be considered for publication . ( Chappy , S. & Gaberson , K. B. , 2012 ) Without these provisions in place the protection of human subjects would be left up to the researchers conducting the study and may create a culture in which obtaining positive results or more important than the patients the study is intended to help . McDaniel , Baker , & Lansink ( 2002 ) argue that further regulation of the standards implemented by IRB review board may sometimes be subject to attitudes and perception of the community or even the state or nation that they are located . This concept seems like a great solution for standardizing the guidelines that are to be followed by all institutions in regards to research studies and their participants . References Chappy , S. , & Gaberson , K.B. ( 2012 ) . To IRB or Not to IRB : That is the Question !. AORN Journal , 95 ( 6 ) , 682 . doi : 10.1016/j.aorn.2012.03.012 . Retrieved from : login.aspx ? direct = true&db= edo&AN=87594627&site=eds-live&scope=site McDaniel , D , Baker , M. , and Lansink , J. ( 2002 ) . IRB Accreditation and Human Subject Protection . Applied Clinical Trials , 11 ( 1 ) , 32-38 . Retrieved from : login.aspx ? direct = true&db= edb&AN=5882224&site=eds-live&scope=site


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