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BUS610 Week 5 Discussion 1, Nonverbal Feedback

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BUS610 Week 5 Discussion 1, Nonverbal Feedback
Describe how nonverbal feedback conveys powerful messages. Provide an example where nonverbal feedback was used and describe the end result. 

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” Nonverbal communication plays a major role in one – on – one interactions ” ( Baack , 2012 , p. 9.1 ) . non – verbal cues are important when conversing and within daily communication . Being able to indicate these particular tendencies would also help the perceiver be aware of what their own behavior is displaying to others . Non- verbal communication skills include but not limited to ; body movements , gestures , eye contact , touch , facial expression , physical distance , and tone of voice . Also , ” The forms of nonverbal communication include kinesic cues , appearance and dress , artifacts , touch , space , and paralanguage ” ( Baack , 2012 , p. 9.1 ) . These cues send off signals of the body that can have a negative influence on the conversation and can come off disrespectful to the sender of the message thus this is why nonverbal feedback can convey powerful messages . It all comes down to being self – aware . When a person is self – aware especially during business settings the person is making sure that their body language , attitude , and emotions are all in order and on one accord . For an example , two days ago I was doing a walk through ( walking the sales floor making sure merchandise was correctly placed at closing ) with my store manager , She could tell I was upset because the closing manager did not delegate appropriate task . There were misplaced merchandise and empty tables . My manager asked me how did I feel about the closing and I just shrugged my shoulders and rolled my eyes thinking how the other manager have a lack of care for the business . She went on to ask me how am I going to keep them accountable since I ‘m the manager of merchandise . I finally spoke and told her my resolution . I realized in the end that though I did not do speaking , I should n’t have showed her my irritation through my body language . Luckily I have a store manager that is understanding during situations like that now after reading I ‘ll be more self – aware because nonverbal cues can trigger a lack of profes


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