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Define the tactics of one terrorist group from the following list: al Qaeda, Hezbollah, Hamas, the Islamic Brotherhood, or the IRA. Provide two examples of attacks carried out by this terrorist organization. Include the following information for each attack. When, where, type of attack (nail bomb, suicide bomber, car bomb, explosives, etc.). And casualties/wounded. Briefly explain how first responders reacted and cared for the wounded. Explain what first responders could have done better, and why these actions need improvement.


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Hamas is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood that emerged in the Gaza Strip in thelate 1980s, during the first Palestinian intifada (uprising) against Israel. The group’sideology blends Islamism and Palestinian nationalism and seeks the destruction ofIsrael and the creation of an Islamic state between the Mediterranean Sea and theJordan River. Since 2017, Hamas claims to have severed its ties to the Brotherhood.The group also receives financial and military support from Iran. Qatar has alsoprovided significant funding for the group.Hamas uses its provision of social services to build support amongst grassrootsPalestinians, helping it to win the 2006 Palestinian legislative elections. However, thegroup’s engagement in politics and welfare has not tempered its commitment toterrorism. Hamas’s preferred methods include suicide bombings, rocket and mortarattacks, shootings, and kidnappings. Hamas as a whole or its armed faction have beenlabeled terrorist organizations by the United States, Israel, the United Kingdom, theEuropean Union, New Zealand, Australia, and Japan.Although Hamas formed a Palestinian Authority unity government with its rival Fatah inearly 2006, the two groups continued to clash, often violently, leading Hamas to forciblyexpel Fatah from the Gaza Strip in 2007. The terror group has ruled Gaza since,surviving on Iranian and Qatari aid, as well as income from the smuggling tunnels it hasbuilt beneath the Gaza-Egypt border. In 2013, the Egyptian army sealed off most of thetunnels, throwing Hamas and Gaza into a financial crisis. Hamas’s budget in 2013 wasmore than $700 million, with $260 million earmarked to the administrative costs of


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