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HLT-665 TOPIC 5 DISCUSSION Discussion Question 1

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HLT-665 TOPIC 5 DISCUSSION Discussion Question 1
Consider the following scenario: You are a program manager at a local public health department tasked with increasing physical activity of adults in your community. How would you begin the planning process? Outline five initial steps you would take in planning a strategy to address this issue.

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The planning process involves many steps, including gathering requirements, establishing goals and priorities, and setting deadlines. Because there are many steps to the planning process, the planning process can be quite time consuming. First, you should determine the needs of your targeted audience by gathering information from multiple sources.  You can start by gathering data from a local survey to assess the current state of physical activity in your community. You can also collect information from your local health department, public health department, and the community-specific agency tasked with physical activity promotion. In addition, you should gather the opinions of community stakeholders (e.g., a group of local physical activity and health promotion professionals that you may invite to participate in the planning process). You can find these stakeholders by examining the opinions of community members, government agencies, schools, and other community partners.

The five initial steps to plan a strategy to address the increase in physical activity of adults in your community are, 1. Identify the current conditions of the community and the factors contributing to the community’s current physical conditions and then, 2. Identify the community’s physical activity needs, 3. Establish realistic and measurable goals, 4. Select appropriate target population, 5. Identify resources and the means to be used to address the needs. I think that these five steps are very important in planning a strategy to address the increase in physical activity of adults in your community. A strategy should be developed for your community that takes into account all five of the above steps.

The health department serves as the gateway for access to healthcare and other services in your community. As such, it is tasked with increasing the physical activity of adults in the community. This can be accomplished through a variety of programs, services, and activities that increase access to facilities and equipment for physical activity, education about the importance of physical activity, and promotion of policies that increase the availability of physical activity options.” “Body”: ” In order to increase physical activity among adults, the health department can provide services, programs, and facilities that increase access to the equipment and facilities needed for physical activity.
You may want to interview your target audience, conduct research surveys, or do observational studies. You may also want to look at the current environment of the targeted population to assess the need for an intervention. As part of this process, you must understand the barriers and opportunities your targeted audience is facing. The barriers your target audience faces are the things that can prevent them from getting involved in the activity, whereas the opportunity they face is the reason they may want to get involved.


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