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ABS 497 Week 2 Discussion 1, Parenting Styles

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ABS 497 Week 2 Discussion 1, Parenting Styles
Briefly describe the different parenting styles discussed in this week’s readings. How could they impact cognitive and social development?  Identify the style that your parents applied to you, or the style you apply to your children. What do the readings say about the effects of this parenting style on cognitive and social development? Is this evidence support by your own experiences?

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While I will discuss the different parenting styles in our text , I also wanted to find an overall definition of parenting styles . Below is an example of the types of parenting styles as well as an explanation of how each can impact cognitive and social development of our children . ” Parenting is strictly is a personal practice based on the mind and wishes of two people ; namely the father and mother . It is foolishness to define rules for parenting and forcing parents to follow clear – cut paths of parenting . Researchers have revealed that there are four common parenting types . Parenting is not a single activity , but the total of approaches and behavioral patterns used to care and groom children . The parenting styles are based on the entire specific behavioral patterns that influence the mental developments of children . ” ( Common Parenting Styles ) ” Experts suggest four different styles of parenting generally known as the parenting patterns . They are namely authoritarian parenting , authoritative parenting , permissive parenting and uninvolved parenting . Each of these patterns follows certain styles and behavioral pattern of parenting . Each of these styles influence the overall all emotional and psychological growth of children . These patterns differ in disciplinary measures , warmth and nurturance tactics , communication methods and control and maturity levels . Each style differs in the ways of executing the training methods on children . ” ( Common Parenting Styles ) 1 . Authoritarian parenting is similar to monarchic administration . In this style , parents establish must to follow rules and regulations for children . Minor failure to obey these guidelines will result in punishment . This is the most unproductive and closed way of parenting as in authoritarian parenting parents never explain the importance of following the rules , or they simply do not bother to understand the emotional or feeling level of kids who may wonder why to follow rules .


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