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ABS 497 Week 4 Discussion 1, Leadership Theories

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ABS 497 Week 4 Discussion 1, Leadership Theories
Briefly compare and contrast the leadership theories presented in Chapter 8 of your textbook. Select a historical figure (living or dead) who has been a leader. Use one of the theories to explain the successes and failures of the leader you selected.  What type of leader does your historical figure exemplify?

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The term leadership can be defined as the ability to guide and / or direct others ( Cherry , 2012 ) . There five approaches to the leadership theory are : ” trait , position , style , distributed functions , and servant leadership ” ( Zastrow & Kirst – Ashman , 2016 ) . The trait approached is something that people possess naturally , from birth ; like for example , Martin Luther King , Jr. in my opinion would fit this category ; he was an American Baptist minister and activist who became the most visible spokesperson and leader of the civil rights movement in 1954 until his death in 1968 . The distributed function approach tries to determine individual quality of specific groups to see how it can benefit the whole in efforts to accomplish a common goal ; like for example , freedom and equality for all . Servant leaders seeks out individuals within the group to determine how they can provide assistance with the common goal . Martin Luther King , Jr. sought equality and human rights for African Americans , the economically disadvantaged and all victims of injustice through peaceful protest . He organized the Montgomery Bus Boycott and the 1963 March on Washington , that resulted in the legislation as the ” Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act ” ( ) . Zastrow , C. H. & Kirst – Ashman , K. K. ( 2016 ) . Empowerment series : Understanding human behavior and the social environment ( 10th ed. ) .


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