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With the growing importance of increasing wage rates for employees, many health care organizations are implementing technology such as self-help kiosks to reduce staffing. Describe both an advantage and a disadvantage to this practice and discuss how patients may perceive reductions in dedicated staffing.

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Nowadays, kiosks are used to improve the customer experience everywhere,  performs exceptionally well in high foot traffic areas, many hospitals and private clinics are deploying them to provide better care and treatment to patients.  Demands on healthcare providers are at an all-time high. Staff are looking for any solutions they can find to save time and money. Self-service healthcare kiosks can take on a multitude of tasks, enabling your staff to focus on what’s most important like patient care, it set a tone  quality care right from the start, utilizing a high level of customization to give the personal touch without the associated costs. A self-service kiosk displays engaging content and allows patients and visitors to check for doctor’s availability, book appointments, do their registrations, make payments even share feedback. The rapid adoption of kiosks will revolutionize the global healthcare system. 


1.No Long Queues- The use of interactive kiosks enables patients to perform various tasks quickly, reducing long wait times.

2.Avoid Confusion and Error- with the introduction of healthcare kiosks, the chances of mistakes and errors are significantly reduced because patients fill out their forms, which are more likely to be accurate.

3.Cost-Effective -eliminate the need for all of these resources, lowering the cost of operation. It also allows employees to focus on more important tasks rather than getting busy with paperwork.

4. Reduces Pathogens Transmission-The kiosks perform tasks without any human intervention making them suitable to use in the covid-19 as it reduces the risks of corona transmission. 


lack of organizational leadership, , lack of coordination between kiosk staff and their support staff, fear of tampering of systems and information theft, difficulty in selecting medicine by patients to be recorded in medical history, concerns on the inappropriate response from users or service providers to kiosk results such as panic due to over-focus on results and even replacement of regular medical controls with kiosk controls and  Person to person interactions are limited.

Self-service kiosks are interactive digital touchscreens that patients can use to carry out tasks without requiring assistance. Yet they can engender a raft of powerful benefits in healthcare settings, at low cost, and with little complications. Interest in self-service kiosks is growing rapidly as hospitals seek to improve patient satisfaction and operational efficiency. Hospitals justify the implementation of kiosks primarily as a means to improve patient service, not strictly as a cost-savings measure. The experiences of lead in organizations have shown that kiosks can increase patient satisfaction by reducing waiting times and offering greater convenience and privacy. Many organizations also achieve significant operational benefits, including increased patient throughput and improved accuracy of demographic data in patient records. However, kiosks are intended to supplement, not replace, staff. Properly implemented, patient kiosks offer a new way for organizations to meet rising consumer expectations for convenience and at the same improve the accuracy and usability of information systems.


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