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LDR 615 TOPIC 2 DQ 1
Why is vision essential to facilitating successful change in an organization? What is the correlation between a leader’s role/vision and a successful change initiative? Describe a vision that you have seen/heard/read/viewed that you felt inspired successful change. How did this vision influence people’s behavior and attitudes toward a major change initiative?

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A leader means one who leads. One who has followers and is trusted & must be trustworthy. A successful leader has inane qualities which is amplified by his/ her charisma, capability, reliability, exceptional interpersonal skills & coaching.

The most important aspect of change management is to ensure that only standardized methods and procedures are used for efficient handing of all the changes, so as to alleviate the impact of the change incident to the day to day operations

A vision provides a future orientation and direction to the leaders, employees and other stakeholders of an organization. There is a compelling component to the vision, which motivates, inspires and engages people into action. Change requires extra dose of motivation to overcome the resistance and inertia. A vision articulates the purpose and meaning to overcome the impediments of change.

An organizational change requires transformation of processes and structures of the organization. An ordinary approach to change is unlikely to bring a revolution to the established systems. A leader with vision and capability to inspire people is required to bring about change. The researchers have observed that most discontinuous changes have occurred under a particular leadership, which indicates the correlation between a leader and change.

Many research studies are available to highlight the organizational changes initiated by Jack Welch, the former CEO of General Electric. The case of Jack Welch confirms that it is possible to undertake a rapid, deliberate and fundamental change in the organizational processes and structure. Jack Welch defined the role of a leader is to unlock a compelling vision, get buy-ins from the stakeholders, and quickly implement the change initiatives. For becoming such a leader, he advises open and caring relationships with the employees.

A vision for change is something that is easy for the employees to follow. Often Jack Welch repeatedly said phrases that gave people the context to change the way they performed. For example, he said, ‘business is simple’, ‘Face reality and bring facts to the meetings’, ‘use the skills and brains of your colleagues’, etc. The people followed those sayings.


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