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LDR 615 TOPIC 6 DQ 1
What types of obstacles/objections do leaders face from stakeholders when implementing change within an organization? What strategies can leaders use to work with stakeholders, remove obstacles, and address objections?

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What types of obstacles/objections do leaders face from stakeholders when implementing change within an organization?

  • Lack of executive support and and active sponsorship
  • Inadequate change management buy-in and resourcing 
  • Resistance and lack of support for the specific solution  and Change resistant culture and organizational structure 
  • Change saturation and lack of prioritization 
Others include ;

  •  the cost of high implementation 
  •  lack of skills from the employees
  • The stakeholders may exhibit the fear of the unknown unfamiliar 
What strategies can leaders use to work with stakeholders, remove obstacles, and address objections?

  • Communication and education 
  • General involvement of the stake holders /participation
  • Negotiation/agreement
  • Coercion and co-opting 
The other strategies the leaders  can use as a leader to work with stakeholders, remove obstacles, and address objections include;

Having brainstorming sessions
Improving communication and discussing with the stakeholders through the use of graphical techniques such as a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
If a new technology is introduced providing the necessary training first before launching it.
There are a number of obstacles or types of obstacles that leaders face from stakeholders when implementing change within an organization, these include :

Lack of executive support and and active sponsorship – lack of support from the executive and active sponsorship leads to hindrance in the implementation of the change . When other stakeholders rebels implementing a change might become more difficult . Effective sponsorship can mobilize and activate the implementation but in the absence the change might be difficult .
Inadequate change management buy-in and resourcing- Change management needs to be resourced according to the scope and scale of change and when resources are not sufficient then implementing the change becomes unbearable therefore this becomes an obstacle to the change .
Resistance and lack of support for the specific solution and Change resistant culture and organizational structure – resistance on all levels impacts the greater understanding in the implementation of the change . It is therefore important to create a universal ground with no resistance for the successful implementation of the change . 
Change saturation and lack of prioritization – Lack of prioritization and oversaturation of some changes may mean that some of the impacted groups have little time to devote to change effort and no direction  on which effort to prioritize  first.
Others include ; the cost of high implementation , lack of skills from the employees and the stakeholders may exhibit the fear of the unknown unfamiliar

Strategies that  leaders use to work with stakeholders, remove obstacles, and address objections include  :

Communication and education- It is important to ensure that a better communication is made by the leaders and proper education concerning the change is done in order to prevent the resistance and objection of the change . When the stakeholders do not understand or do not see the importance of the change they may rebel and therefore implementing the change becomes obstacle . Therefore it is important to ensure that the proper communication and education is done. It is important Improve communication and discussing with the stakeholders through the use of graphical techniques such as a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
General involvement of the stake holders /participation- Ensuring that there is a room for participation of all the stakeholders and members in the process and different stages of change would ensure that the obstacles or barriers are eliminated .
Negotiation/agreement- Leaders should create free room where the stakeholders can share their views and reach a common stand or goal concerning the change intended to be done.
Coercion and co-opting- It is important to ensure that stakeholders are coerced into accepting the change. This is often the case where people feel they cannot learn new skills needed.
The other strategies the leaders  can use as a leader to work with stakeholders, remove obstacles, and address objections include; Having brainstorming sessions and If a new technology is introduced providing the necessary training first before launching it.


Focus, F. (2020, March 29). 7 strategies for overcoming resistance to change in the workplace. Forward Focus.
Stise, R. (n.d.). Avoid these 5 change management obstacles. Change Management Blog – Prosci.


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