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HLT 306V Topic 2 Discussion Question 2

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HLT 306V Topic 2 Discussion Question 2
What possible reservations could a health care professional have in working with Sister Mary? (Discuss the psycho social responses the professional might have.)

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Patients come from diverse backgrounds with different cultures , traditions  values and religious practices . Healthcare professionals require cultural knowledge to meet their social , cultural and spiritual needs of patients . In the given case scenario the patient is a Roman catholic nun. Thus , a healthcare professional working with sister Mary can show uncertainty due top the religious beliefs and preferences of the patient and need the assistance of practicing Roman catholic in handling sister Mary.

The primary concern when working with sister Mary is religious differences . Healthcare professionals must consider religious beliefs of the patient and their impact on the acre process. Patients practicing the Roman Catholic religion keep sacred objects such as rosary on them. Sister Mary will need to remove the items when undergoing tests . A healthcare professional with adequate Roman catholic information will ensure the objects are kept near the patient during testing . 

Notable , sister Mary must have a psychical assessment. The process will require the inspection of various body parts of the patient . A healthcare professional might be reluctant to evaluate sister Mary due to perceived barriers such as modesty and gender to physical testing . Thus they will need to ask and receive confirmation from sister Mary and before proceeding with the examination.

Healthcare professionals working with sister Mary ca receive assistance from Roman catholic colleagues . sister Mary’s family and fellow nuns. The team helps the healthcare team understand the religious beliefs and needs of the patient which is essential in providing patient-focused culturally competent  care . Moreover , they will offer emotional and psychological support to promote the wellbeing of the patient . Therefore psychosocial support helps the patient feel more comfortable , lessens anxiety and improves care quality and outcomes.

In order to successfully provide care to different cultures and religions one must be aware of their own biases and beliefs. According to Falvo 2011, “lack of knowledge or understanding of cultural differences or unwillingness to accept patients’ alternative beliefs , values or attitudes can lead to the inability to empathize or to accept the patient’s point of view “. Psychosocial responses could also include  shock, frustrations , anger , fatigue and guilt .These can occur if the healthcare provider is unable to understand the patient or provide patient needs. Healthcare workers cannot be effective if they are not honest and caring to themselves which is why it is important . One of the hardest situation is when the patient is in need of blood after trauma and the patient beliefs or religion will not allow them to have blood for him or her personally because you want to save your job and your job is also to respect your patient and their choices.

Patients come from diverse backgrounds with different cultures , traditions  values and religious practices . Healthcare professionals require cultural knowledge to meet their social , cultural and spiritual needs of patients . In the given case scenario the patient is a Roman catholic nun. Thus , a healthcare professional working with sister Mary can show uncertainty due top the religious beliefs and preferences of the patient and need the assistance of practicing Roman catholic in handling sister Mary.

The primary concern when working with sister Mary is religious differences . Healthcare professionals must consider religious beliefs of the patient and their impact on the acre process. Patients practicing the Roman Catholic religion keep sacred objects such as rosary on them. Sister Mary will need to remove the items when undergoing tests . A healthcare professional with adequate Roman catholic information will ensure the objects are kept near the patient during testing . 

Notable , sister Mary must have a psychical assessment. The process will require the inspection of various body parts of the patient . A healthcare professional might be reluctant to evaluate sister Mary due to perceived barriers such as modesty and gender to physical testing . Thus they will need to ask and receive confirmation from sister Mary and before proceeding with the examination.

Healthcare professionals working with sister Mary ca receive assistance from Roman catholic colleagues . sister Mary’s family and fellow nuns. The team helps the healthcare team understand the religious beliefs and needs of the patient which is essential in providing patient-focused culturally competent  care . Moreover , they will offer emotional and psychological support to promote the wellbeing of the patient . Therefore psychosocial support helps the patient feel more comfortable , lessens anxiety and improves care quality and outcomes.


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