What is cultural and linguistic competence? How does this competency apply to public health? Why is this important to the practice of public health?
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Cultural competence refers to the ability to competently navigate various patient interactions with varying cultures. Culture can influence the way an individual interacts socially and can influence the interpretation of certain actions that are deemed normal in some cultures and inappropriate in others….
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Cultural competence refers to the ability to competently navigate various patient interactions with varying cultures. Culture can influence the way an individual interacts socially and can influence the interpretation of certain actions that are deemed normal in some cultures and inappropriate in others. Linguistic competence specifically deals with the degree to which an individual is able to understand, speak and otherwise communicate using any given language.
This competency directly applies to public health as it impacts the way a nurse is able to interact with various groups of patients. Public health is primarily concerned with health practice on a community level and deals with epidemiological concepts. For this reason, health care professionals need to practice cultural competence, otherwise they will be unable to reach large groups of people with their message.