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HLT 305 Topic 6 DQ 2
What are some options to reduce burnout with medical professionals? This is a more challenging question as workload reduction is not an option in many situations. What are some creative and inspirational ways to reduce stress in the workplace? Please share any examples you may have with the class.

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These are some unique and fun ways in reducing stress in the workplace especially with medical professionals who are very prone to stress:

Joking around 
Eating a dark chocolate bar. 
Express Gratitude
Greenery in your scenery
Something that smells good
Burnout in any workplace is one of the widespread and inevitable problem that arises especially in high demanding jobs such as medical professionals due to heavy workloads, toxic environment and understaffing. To reduce burn out among health care workers we need to implement activities that promote relaxation and healthy working relationship with colleagues such as:

>Team building

It motivates people to work together, inspire each other, creates harmonious realtionship and conflict resolution.

>Pschological support

When things seems too much to bear, a support system is needed. Promotes mental health well-being.

>Systematic workflow

It creates efficiency, tasks are being smoothly done.


Allowing health workers taking short breaks from work helps them recharge and and feel refresh. It helps recuperates and prevents burnout or sickness and depression.


It helps an individual to relax, achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state.


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