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LDR 620 Week 1 Discussion 1
The Plucknette article suggests that there are considerable differences between being a leader and being a manager. Is it possible or desirable to be both? Chapter 2 of the Management textbook suggests that the four functions of management are planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. Provide one challenge posed by serving as a leader and one challenge posed by serving as a manager in each of these functions?

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Kotter and Cohen ( 2010 ) talks about the necessity of a directorial team to help with changes and this team includes managers . Managers are a group of people that oversees the smaller task of an organization that higher – level team members can not . A manager that can lead by example will gain the respect of people as well as be their motivator . Followers will not only see their manager as a manager but a leader as well and from this , the overall vision of excellence will be achieved . A leader is an individual that supports a change and to guide that change . This individual encourages growth in the workers careers . They can also be a source for resources needed for fellow co-workers . It is possible for a manager to lead with leadership physiognomies in their behaviors . Kotter , J. P. , & Cohen , D. S. ( 2010 ) . The heart of change : real – life stories of how people change their organizations . Boston , MA : Harvard Business School Press . There are distinct differences between a leader and a manager and I believe that it is possible / desirable for a manager to be both but not vice versa due to these differences . According to Plucknette ( 2014 ) , leaders are visionaries , they take risks based on long – term gains , they motivate others , and encourage and thrive on open debate . Managers on the other hand are administrators , they take risks in hope of short – term wins / results , they oversee and regulate what people do , and they provide direction and expect compliance . Both leaders and directors must plan and organize in order to keep things running smoothly , but one challenge posed by serving as a manger when it comes to leading and controlling is that often there is not a balance between the two . As mentioned above , most managers oversee and regulate ( control ) often lacking the ability to lead effectively . Leaders on the other hand may also find it difficult to balance leading and controlling . Because leaders strive to motivate and encourage , trusting in the abilities of their followers , the level to which they control / monitor may vary .


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